Songs For Chapter:
Ed Sheeran- All of these Stars
John Legend- You and I
Usher- There Goes My Baby
Nobody's P.O.V
'I'm gonna miss you," you say. You were sitting on Justin's lap. You guys were at the airport and he was going to aboard his plane soon. "I'm gonna miss you too but I'll promise I'll call you when I land," he says kissing your forehead. "And go to the hospital," you add on.
He covered his black eye with his sunglasses and I bought some foundation to put on his nose and some on his eye. He was dubious at first but I forced him to the point where he had to listen to me.
"How am I gonna go on tours with this bruise on my face? I can't hide this from my fans, friends or Scooter," he contemplates. You look up at him. "That's why I gave you the foundation.
"I'm not wearing that shit. You can return it back to wherever you got it from," he says handing it to you.
"You can't return foundation and It's already on you." "Man I didn't even want to put this on in the first place," he says irritated. He really hates makeup. "Why do you have to be so difficult! Just keep it and put it on everyday in front of them," you laugh.
"No!" He says. He picks up the foundation eyeing it like it was some unknown object. "Like how do I even put this on?"
He says twisting it open. "Like this," you say taking the brush rubbing it on his nose. "Why is it so cold and wet," he recoils. "Because it's foundation Justin," you say laughing some more. He's such a baby. You rub your finger around his nose trying to rub it in but he keeps moving away.
"Justin stop resisting! You don't want people to know about this." You keep trying but he keeps moving away. "I rather they know than having to deal with putting this on my face everyday till it heals." "Why do you hate it so much you look cute with it."
"I don't like adding extra stuff on my face and makeup is for girls not for real men," he tells you. "Boys wear makeup too," you tell him. "I said real men," he says keeping his ground causing you to laugh some more.
"Whatever Justin just put it on till it heals please." "Maybe," he mumbles. His maybe's always means a no.
"Fine don't put it on," you say seeing if it'll change his mine. "That's what I'm trying to tell you but you're not listening." You try to think of things to say to convince him otherwise but you got nothing.
"Alright fine," you say crossing your arms and legs. Justin lightly chuckles and you roll your eyes. He uncrosses your legs and arms connecting his lips with yours but you don't kiss back.
"Don't be mad at me baby," he says against your lips. After a while you kiss him back earning a smile from him. He licks your bottom lip for permission and you accept.
Your tongues fight for dominance and Justin wins as usual. You pull away from the kiss laying on his chest again. You grab Justin's phone and you both begin taking weird/cute selfies on his phone as the time passes.
"Gate F16, Gate F16 now a boarding" The announcer says.
"That's me," Justin says. You both get up and Kenny and Mike grab his stuff. You face Justin for one last time till God knows the next time you'll see him again. "It's time baby," he says grabbing on to both of your hands. "I know," you say sadly holding back tears.
He wraps his arms around neck and you wrap yours around his waist. "I'm gonna miss youuuu soooo much," he says squeezing you and twisting you from side to side. "I'm gonna miss you too," you say. He pulls away from the hug looking into your weary eyes. "Don't cry baby we'll see each other probably sooner than you think," you nod as he catches a tear falling out of your eye.
He gently grabs your face and kisses your lips passionately for one last time.
"Um I don't mean to interrupt but Justin you gotta go now man," Kenny says. We pull away from the kiss reconnecting our eyes. "I love you baby," he says kissing the top of your forehead. "Love you too," you sadly say.
He picks up his white book bag placing it on his back. You watch him give his ticket to the lady. She smiles at him as a thank you and Justin walks away.
He looks back at you and sadly waves. You lightly smile and wave back till he finally disappeared.
There goes my baby.
New update later or tomorrow. If not, soon. Thanks for the reads! Remember to follow & vote for me. Wattpad: BizzlesCherie

One Life
FanfictionFour days. That's all it took for Justin Bieber to start falling for new 18 year old popstar y/f/n(your full name). She never knew if she could fall again after her last boyfriend. She liked Justin ever since she was a little girl but is unsure if h...