Songs For Chapter: ( Some songs won't match every mood)
Celeste Buckingham- Run Run Run
Ariana Grande- You'll Never Know
One Direction- They Don't Know About Us
Neyo- Lie to Me
Neyo- One in a Million
Your P.O.V
I step out of my car quietly making my way to the front door. I hope my mom is still sleeping. I quietly slip my key into the lock and slowly open the door, trying my best not to make it creek. I tip toe into the house and slowly push the door closed. I let out a sigh that I didn't realize I was holding. I start towards the steps and I silently tip toe the first couple of steps.
"Y/N!" I hear a voice scream and quickly turn around.
"Oh my gosh!" I scream startled. "You scared me!" I say holding my pounding chest.
"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" My mom screams.
"I was... uhhh, I was at a friends house."
"Boyfriend," my annoying subconscious blurts out.
"This late!!! You left the house yesterday at 10:00 and you now come back at 9:00!?"
"I overslept!"
"Who is this 'friends' house you overslept at?!"
"My friend who just visited me," I say annoyed. My mom walks over to me.
"What are you doing?" I say trying to push her away. She looks at my neck then my stomach then back. She holds my face into her hands observing it.
"What are you doing!" I yell once again.
"Say ahhh," she tells me. I slightly open my mouth giving her a confused look she brings her nose near my mouth and starts sniffing. She taps my chin signaling me to close it.
"I didn't go to a party I was with my friend."
"You were suppose to be home yesterday."
"I'm 18 now! You can't just baby me all the time. I'm not gonna follow the curfew you gave me when I was 13!"
"If you won't follow my rules then you can leave this house."
"Let's be reminded of who bought this house," I reply rather bitterly.
"For all five of us right? You're gonna kick us all out?"
"No but you can't kick me out of my own house. I follow my rules," I say walking up the stairs.
"I'm still your parent though. You think you all grown and not gonna follow my orders?"
"I'm not following your curfew, that's all I'm telling you for now."
"For now?" My mom mocks.
"Yup for now," I say walking into my room. I turn on the TV and drop my purse on the floor.
"Popstars Justin Bieber and Y/f/n seem to be in a relationship. The couple was caught kissing outside the Biebs apartment building. I guess they just couldn't get enough since their last seen in an airport in California," she says pointing at the picture of me and Justin kissing at the airport.
"What is Justin doing in New York? Is he here just to visit y/n? Should they even be in a relationship? How will Selena Gomez feel when she's notified Justin has moved on. I'm Barbara Pasting here with you on E! News."
I stand there with my mouth wide open. I hate paparazzi, I hate them. They're so damn sneaky! Why did my dumbass have to turn the TV on? I just wanted to watch Spongebob!
I turn around to look at my moms expression. I'm in deep trouble. She stares right into my eyes while I stare at hers. I'm screwed.
"What the hell is wrong with your stupid ass!" Her voice surprises me.
"Excuse you?"
"You heard me."
"Nothing's wrong with me actually."
"There clearly is if you're going out with Justin Biever."
"It's Bieber. No there's nothing wrong with going out with him. I liked him ever since I was 12 and you know that."
"He's not a good person Y/n! You told me a few days ago there was nothing going on between you two! You said that kiss met nothing!"
"Well it did okay! We both like each other. You don't even know him! You're just like dad. You assume that he's a bad person cause he has ear piercings and tattoos! Not everyone with tattoos is bad."
"I taught you better then to date a boy like this," she says disappointed.
"Man. He's a man. He's falling for me."
"Falling? You guys knew each other for like 3, 4 days? You barely know each other. Did he ever say that he loves you?"
"No but I can tell that he is starting to. You don't even know what happened those 4 days or what we've done after."
"You had sex with him Y/n!?"
"What? No that's not what I met by that mom. You don't know him, you don't know us."
"Who gave you that?" She says referring to my diamond necklace.
"Justin.""It's just a necklace," I say once I see her twisted look.
"I have rehearsal soon so I'm gonna take a nap then get ready," I tell my mom. She walks out of the room infuriated.
I get up and close my door. I check my phone and see two text messages from India, three from Mat, two from Jones, and six from Justin. I click the text messages from Justin and ignore the others for now.
"Hey babe. I miss u ;)"
"Did you get in trouble?"
"Answer me please!"
"Before I kill u."
"I'd never do that but seriously u better answer me -_-."
"What the hell are you saying?" I text replying to Justin's "swirv" text message adding laughing emojis. I wait a while and see Justin typing.
"Oh so now u reply to me?"
":) <3. I did get in trouble lmfao!" I reply. I see Justin typing and I wait for him.
"What they say?"
"Stupid stuff about our relationship," I reply.
"Like what?"
"Annoying stuff."
"-_-" Justin replies.
"I'm picking u up to go to rehearsal today so text me ur address," Justin texts. I text him my address and tell him the time.
"I'm gonna take a nap so I'll text you later," I say and place my phone on the nightstand to take my nap.
"I'm leaving now," I tell my mom. She doesn't reply she just walks upstairs and puts her hand up telling me bye. I walk out and see Justin waiting near the passenger seat of his red Lamborghini rental.
"Hey babe," he says smiling. He kisses my lips and opens the door for me.
"Hey," I say walking into Justin's rental.
We take off and he drives me to rehearsal
Hi :) Do you want y/n and Justin to do that Selena & Justin did?

One Life
FanfictionFour days. That's all it took for Justin Bieber to start falling for new 18 year old popstar y/f/n(your full name). She never knew if she could fall again after her last boyfriend. She liked Justin ever since she was a little girl but is unsure if h...