Chapter 49 ~Bloodstream~

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Songs For Chapter:

Ed Sheeran- Bloodstream

Ed Sheeran- Little Bird

Justin Bieber- One Life

Justin's P.O.V

I've been walking down this dark road for an hour now heading to wherever. Knowing that Y/n actually hurt herself because of me kills me immensely. I knew I hurt her but I didn't think it'd go that far.

I know she probably thinks I'm mad at her but I'm actually mad myself. I hope she doesn't think I'm leaving her because I promised I wouldn't hurt her no more.

I see light down the block and head towards it. As I get closer I can make out the words, "Silver Reign". Finally, what I've been looking for. As I step inside the bar, the strong smells of liquor engulf my nostrils. I take a seat on one of the bar stools and rest my elbow on it.

"Can I get you anything sir?" The lady bartender says. I look up and make eye contact with her. She's wearing too much red lipstick. I can even see the stain between her teeth from it. She's wearing a black crop top and her gut rests on top of her shorts.

She's not young and if she is then she's been smoking too much. I can tell from her raspy voice and her wrinkles.

"Whiskey," I tell her and she does so. I didn't even tell her what kind so I'll just take whatever she gives me. I take the scotch whiskey bottle out of her hand and pay her. I rest my lips around the tip and drink half of the bottle. I make a sour face before reconnecting my lips on the tip drinking half of it.

I know the drink will kick in soon because I already feel warm inside. I need it to kick in faster because I need this pain to go away.

I take another chug before setting it down. I broke my lovers heart more than I thought and I can't deal with this pain I'm feeling inside.

I lock my lips around the bottle soon letting go. I groan as I become dizzy. The alcohol is burning through my bloodstream.

I take another sip from my bottle setting it down. I feel someone wrap their arms around me but I don't do anything I just sit there with my hands resting on my forehead. "What're you doing here?" I hear a familiar voice say.

"Get the hell off of me Chantel." "Aww you remember me baby?" "Stop touching me," I say pushing her off of me but she clearly doesn't understand. She begins kissing my neck from behind but I can barely feel it. I'm too dizzy to think about anything. Why does she always find me?

I swear this hoe follows me. She places her hand on my crotch and gently rubs it like last time. I manage to push it off but she continues to kiss my neck.

Your P.O.V

I'm here driving down this empty dark path looking for my boyfriend. I don't know where he is he just ran off before I could catch him. I hope he's okay because if he isn't, everyone would blame me including myself. I'd be devastated if he doesn't come back the same way.

I see a bar called "Silver Reign" up ahead. I know Justin's not in there but it doesn't hurt to try. I walk into the hot bar crowded with sweaty people and strong smells of alcohol. Everyone's all dressed up and I'm over here in some leggings, black Jordan's and a gray hoodie.

My eyes may or may not be still puffy red.

"Excuse me," I say through the crowd as they grind on each other going along with the music. I don't even know where I'm looking maybe I should just go back now and plus I look awkward because I'm not dressed properly.

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