The Pizza Boy Cumeth

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It was a Friday night, which meant no school tomorrow, or the next day, so of course, Frank had decided to partake in his favorite activity, which was getting as high as humanly possible, and he was quite successful at the task, and only the fact that his best friend Evan had ditched him for the evening was ruining the pleasant haze that was currently enveloping Frank's thoughts.

Frank didn't usually like to smoke weed alone, it just wasn't anywhere as enjoyable that way, and Frank needed someone to appreciate his clever wit, which seemed to get amplified when he got stoned, but Evan had a girlfriend now, which meant he was spending Friday nights taking her out on dates, instead of lighting up with Frank, which Frank was still slightly bitter about.

It wasn't that Frank wasn't happy for his friend, because he was; Frank just wished that he had someone as well, because he had been single forway too fucking long, and it was really starting to get old, but Frank probably needed to get used to it, because for whatever reason, he could not seem to find himself a boyfriend, and he had basically given up trying by this point.

But whatever - Frank wasn't going to let Evan's absence ruin his good time, and he had proceeded to smoke half the bad of weed he had purchased early in the week off of Ryan. Ryan had some new stock on him, and he had supposedly sold Frank the best of the best, and so far, Frank had to agree with him.

Because Frank wasn't just stoned right now, he was on the fucking moon - seriously, Frank couldn't remember the last time he had enjoyed a high this much, and he would have to make sure to rub it in Evan's face whenever he got home, maybe that would convince him to stay in with Frank tomorrow night so they could smoke the rest of the bag then.

And of course, given the fact that Frank was blazed off his ass, he was also hungry; the two sensations came hand in hand after all, so Frank dragged himself off of the tattered couch he was currently sprawled across and forced his legs to carry him into the kitchen, even though it felt like he was floating more than walking, which was a pretty fucking cool sensation, if also slightly weird.

Frank immediately poked his head into the cupboard, searching for something that would adequately reduce his hunger, but he was shocked when he was met with bare shelves instead of the boxes of cereal and bags of chips that usually resided there.

"Fucking hell..." Frank grumbled, heading over to the fridge next, but he was almost expecting the sight that met his eyes this time, which was a sad looking container of Chinese takeout that even Frank didn't dare to try and eat - no amount of weed would make him touch that.

Frank groaned aloud as he realized that he was sort of fucked right now, because Evan had promised to go shopping before his date - it was his turn after all, but that obviously hadn't happened, and now Frank was left with a wicked case of the munchies and literally no food in his small apartment.

Frank briefly debated going down the street to the McDonald's that was two blocks away, but that involved walking, and any kind of movement seemed pretty abhorrent to Frank in his current state, but starving to death didn't seem to pleasant either, and Frank was honestly convinced that he might pass out from hunger if he didn't get something into his stomach soon, even though he had just eaten a few hours ago, but it certainly didn't feel that way.

But just as Frank was about to collapse back onto the sofa in defeat, his foggy brain suddenly recalled the fact that he did indeed possess a phone, and he could call for take-out, or even better, he could have a pizza delivered, because a veggie supreme pizza pretty much sounded like the best thing in the world right now.

Mentally congratulating himself on his genius idea, Frank shambled around aimlessly, trying to unearth his phone under the mess of papers and books that were currently littering the small apartment. He swore he just had the device, so it really shouldn't be that far away from the couch, but Frank couldn't find it anywhere, making him consider the possibility that his phone might have sprouted legs and walked away, because how else could it have moved from where Frank knew he had last seen it.

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