Pretentious Little Punks With Lip Rings - Part 10

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The Halloween party was only a few days away and Gerard still had no idea for a costume. They weren't doing it on the exact Halloween date, but close enough. Frank was going as a vampire, naturally. Gerard really should ask him for help, but knowing Frank, he'd probably regret his decision. Who knew what ridiculous idea for a costume he'd come up with? Gerard wasn't taking any chances.

He'd been seeing Frank quite a lot over the past few days, and it felt easier when they were together now. Everything felt so right and natural, they just seemed to... Connect. School was a bit of bummer, though. Some people were starting to wonder about the two of them, so they tried to downplay everything a little bit to throw them off. It seemed to be working, but for how long? They'd just have to cross that bridge when they got to it, just like if Frank's parents ever found out (which they probably would. Parents knew everything, somehow).

Ok, Gerard caved. He gave up and went to Leila to beg her for help regarding his Halloween costume. Luckily, she didn't seem to enjoy tormenting Gerard as much as Frank did. They brainstormed ideas together, until they finally landed on something that they both agreed on: Gerard would go as a sheriff. Not just a typical, old-western style sheriff, either. His costume had to be darker than that. It wasn't great, but at least he finally had an idea. When he asked Leila what she was going as, she said she still wasn't sure, but she'd either go as a genie or a witch. Gerard said he liked the genie idea. It was unique, it was different, and it was perfect for Leila.

So Gerard finally had his Halloween costume planned out, and just in time too. The party was the following evening, saturday evening, and Frank was coming round to Gerard's house earlier so they could get ready together and then set up the old theatre. Ray and Bob were bringing food, and they'd hauled a bunch of decorations there already, they just needed to put everything up.

Frank came round late in the afternoon, and Gerard dragged him up to his bedroom quickly before his mom, or worse yet Mikey, could stop and try to talk to him. He shut the door behind them and Frank collapsed onto his bed and made himself completely at home. It looked as if he belonged there, and it was a nice thought. Gerard went over and was finally able to drag him off, although he put up quite a fight.

"Alright Gee, you haven't told me what your costume is yet. What are you going as?" Frank was rummaging around in his bag for his cape and fangs and... whatever else was required for a vampire costume.

Gerard was pulling clothes out of his closet and turned for a moment to smile at him. "You'll have to wait and see." He bundled his clothes under his arm and made his way towards the bathroom.

"Aw c'mon, tell me..." Frank walked up behind Gerard and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Please?"

Gerard laughed and squirmed out of his embrace as Frank started kissing his neck. "You'll see!" He kissed him softly. "I'll only be a moment."

He winked and disappeared in to the bathroom just as Frank returned to looking through his stuff, grumbling softly to himself.

Gerard lied. (Hey what's new). He took longer than a moment in the bathroom, because he knew it would drive Frank crazy. He hated not knowing things. So, when he was ready he waited an extra long amount of time until he could hear Frank pacing in front of the door.

"Are you almost done?" he called out.

"Not quite..." Gerard held back a smile when he heard Frank sigh in exasperation.

"I know you're just doing this on purpose!" He knocked on the door, laughing.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

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