What Happens After Art Class

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Over a span of about three years, Frank Iero had gone from a happy go lucky boy to someone who just wanted to be left alone. His mood had gone happy to depressed, and his grades had gone from all As to almost all Fs. The only class that Frank was actually passing was art, and if it wasn't for the teacher, he wouldn't have been passing that either.

Gerard Way was a twenty four year old teacher that had just got the art instructor position at Frank's school. His shoulder length, black hair made all the students believe that he had been a misfit when he was in school, and the way he dressed and the way he talked had everyone believing he was gay. At least everyone besides Frank Iero.

Ever since the young teacher had gotten the job at Frank's school, Frank had felt a bit of a crush. Frank believed that Mr. Way couldn't like him since a) teacher-student relationships were strongly frowned upon and b) Frank did not believe the rumors saying that the teacher was gay. He didn't even believe it when Mr. Way told the class. He thought the teacher was lying to the class in order to stop the rumors.

"Dude," Ray said one day after art class. "I don't see how you think he is lying to everyone. He is obviously after guys.'

Frank shook his head at his friend. "He isn't gay, it's obvious. Why am I the only one that sees it?"

"Are we talking about Franks crush on Mr. Way?" Frank's friend Bob asked as he walked up to the two.

"What else do we talk about after art class?" Ray replied.

"Frank," Bob said, patting Frank on the shoulder. "You just think that he's straight because you have a crush on him. You think that you have no chance of getting his affection so your brain is making you think that he's straight. If you didn't have a crush on him, you would see the same things the rest of us see."

"I would not," Frank said, brushing Bob's hand off of his shoulder and walking up to his locker. "He's fucking straight. It's the rest of you people that are seeing things."

While Frank was putting his com into his locker, Ray and Bob were having a sort of mental conversation. They both knew that Frank had to somehow realize what everyone else saw about their teacher. Not only did the whole class see that Mr. Way liked guys, they also saw that he seemed to have taken a liking to Frank.

Every day in class, Mr. Way would come back to the table that Frank sat at and attempt to make conversation with the boy. Anytime Mr. Way would do a class demonstration everyone could bet that he would ask Frank to help him or for Frank to show the class something. Frank always figured that Mr. Way was trying to get him out of his bubble and not that he was doing it because he liked the boy.

"Frank, can you give us any kind of proof that shows he doesn't like guys?" Bob asked when Frank turned around, backpack slung over his shoulder.

"I don't know, what kind of proof are you thinking of?"

"Like a recording of him talking about a woman. You know how all guys minus you talk about girls? I want to hear him talking like that."

"And how am I supposed to get him to talk like that while I'm recording him?"

Frank really was getting sick of talking about this subject with his friends. He didn't understand why they just wouldn't leave it alone and agree with him, even if they only agreed with him out loud.

Everyone thought the teacher liked guys, but Frank didn't get the feeling around him. Bob might've been right, Frank often thought while the others were attempting to explain how his brain thought, but he was not going to let them know that. He didn't want to start doubting his judgment after having the man as a teacher for six months and defending his sexuality for the same amount of time.

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