Pretentious Little Punks With Lip Rings - Part 3

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Gerard's mom came in and woke him up early the next morning for work. Remembering Frank's text from last night, he picked up his phone from where it was lying on his bed-side table.

Gerard - Morning cranky-pants

Not even two minutes later he got a reply back.

Frank - It's fucking 8 on a saturday morning

Frank - Unless the world is about to end or your house is on fire, I don't want to know

Gerard - You're the one that said to text you in the morning

Frank - Not at 8 oclock!!

Frank - Ugh fine. So what time can you meet me at?

"Mom, how long do you need me at the record store for?" Gerard called downstairs to his mom.

"Just until about four. Why?"

"Does there have to be a reason?"

"He wants to meet up with his boyfriend!" Mikey shouted from his room. Gerard heard his mom laugh downstairs.

"Mikey!" He grumbled and got up to hammer his fist against his brother's door. "He's not my boyfriend! And how do you know i'm meeting him anyway?"

Mikey opened his door up slightly. "The walls are thin and you talk in your sleep."

Gerard felt his cheeks flare bright red. "I do not!"

"Yes you do!"

"Boys, come down now or we'll be late!" their mom called up. Gerard glared at Mikey through the crack in his door, before turning around to finish getting dressed in his room. He texted Frank as he rushed down the stairs, trying not to fall flat on his face.

Gerard - I finish at 4. Meet me @ the old abandoned theater at around 4.10?

Frank - I think I know where it is. I'll see you there. And I swear if you text me again before 12 I will drown you in a river.

Gerard - ;)

It took them about ten minutes to walk down to the record store. Gerard's mom opened up and they went around setting everything up, putting records back in their correct places and just generally cleaning up. It was routine for them by now. Once they were done, Gerard was left to manage the cash register while his mom did some paperwork in the back of the store. Mikey would just hover around helping customers and answering the occasional phone call. It was nice, really. Familiar. Saturdays always started off slow in the mornings, so there usually wasn't much to do. At some point after twelve it might start getting a bit busier, and then they'd take a short lunch break.

When it was nearly time for lunch there weren't many people around, so Gerard took his phone out and decided to text Frank. It was after twelve, so he figured it was safe enough.

Gerard - Still asleep?

Frank - No, i'm awake. Looks like I can scratch you off the top of my 'to kill' list.

Gerard - Y'know, most people have a 'to do' list

Frank - well, i'm not like most people

Gerard - I noticed. And anyway, you would never kill me. Right?

Frank - nah, probably not. I like you too much.

Despite himself, Gerard's heart soared in his chest.

Frank - It's nice to finally have a good friend. The world is so full of assholes.

Friend. Of course.

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