The Only Hope

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Gerard stood glaring out of his kitchen window with a scornful, how dare the sun shine so beautifully, casting a happy glow across the sky when he was feeling so dark? He raised his left hand to his raven hair and ran his fingers through it before grabbing a handful and muttering "Shit" to himself. He needed to figure out what was going on in his head before he got to school. Before he saw him again.

"Mikey, grab your shit and lets go!"

"Gerard we still have half an hour before we gotta leave..."

"I need to clear my head so move your fucking ass..." Mikey began descending the stairs with his bag slung over his shoulder toward his anxious and incredibly irritable older brother "Well someone rolled out of the wrong side of his coffin today..."

"Fuck you Mikes"

"I'd rather not thanks..."

The two brothers began their slow walk to school, scuffing their shoes on the sun parched pavement. Mikey was nursing the purple bruise forming on his forehead where his aggitated brother had thrown his converse at him.

"So what has you in such a delightful mood today oh brother of mine..."

"I have a lot on my mind is all..."

"You have a lot of Frank on your mind..."

"Do you want me to throw another shoe off your head?"

"It's true though isn't it?" Gerard groaned loudly in frustration and grabbed a fistful of his own hair 

"I don't know what to do Mikes! I can't stop thinking about him, I fucking dreamt about him and you know that art piece I had to do for the class presentation? I fucking drew Frankie! And if it gets picked everybody at school will see it! What the fuck am I going to do? I don't know if I can face him..."

"Well you got about 30 seconds to figure it out..."

"Huh?..." Gerard turned his head to face in front of him and saw his best friend standing waving at him "Oh fuck..." 

As the boys approached their small friend he jumped between them and slung an arm over each of their shoulders "Hey nerd, hey Gee..."

"Hey mighty mouse..."

"Fuck you Mikey, what's up with him?..." He nodded his head toward Gerard who was yet to acknowledge his presence

"He's got a lot on his mind..." Frank turned to his best friend and sighed

"My poor little Gee Gee" Frank placed a kiss on his friends cheek and ruffled his hair. Gerard didn't look up but he silently thanked God that it was hot today because he was blushing for sure.

Once the trio had arrived at the school gates Gerard made a beeline for the main entrance, clutching his art folder in his sweaty palm. He couldn't bear being around Frank right now, not when he was harbouring feelings for him. Gerard didn't even care that he ran the risk of being caught alone by the meatheads, he just needed to get away. 

With his head bowed and sticking close to the shadows he quickly made his way to the art corridor. Mr Alexander was sat at his desk going over the work that had already been handed in as Gerard scuttled inside the room 

" favourite student, how's it going Way? What delights have you brought me?" Shaking slightly Gerard slid the large portrait he had drawn out of his folder "Wow Gerard, this is...incredible! Isn't this that boy your friends with umm Iero?" Gerard quickly hid behind his hair to hide the blush creeping across the pale skin of his cheekbones "Are you..." The teachers eyes widened "Oh...he's your boyfriend!"

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