The Icing On The Cake

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The room Frank and Gerard found themselves in had been unfamiliar up until about a week ago, but by now it was very familiar indeed, not surprising considering they hadn't been allowed to leave it.

Their instructions were simple. Wait until 'the day' (and that day would apparently become obvious once it arrived) then once 'the girl' arrived (again, they were left wondering who 'the girl' was exactly) they were to bow down to her every wish and whim and be the perfect little obedient puppies until the twenty four hours of 'the day' was up.

The two men had then been left for the week, getting led out only to use the bathroom and to eat. They had no idea what story had been fed to their families to explain their absence but in a strange sort of way neither man really cared. It was sort of exciting, being held hostage and treated like kings at the same time. After all, they shared a king sized bed that was heavenly soft, the bathroom they were permitted to use only three times a day had a huge bathtub and a shower like a waterfall. The food they were given was so sinfully delicious both men felt as if they could gorge themselves to death on it, and all at the same time their captors wore masks and robes to hide their identity. It was like a strange sort of movie, it didn't seem plausible that things like this really happened.

But happened it had and the two men resigned themselves to enjoying the strange experience. They supposed they should be frightened, but as they spent their days roaming about their solitary room and chatting they agreed they weren't frightened at all. They felt safe enough here, though they wondered when 'the day' would arrive and what it was they would be asked to do exactly when it did.

It was exactly the seventh day of their captivity when 'the day' arrived. Gerard knew it instantly because instead of waking up in the heavenly soft bed as usual he was instead lying on the floor; Frank sat up next to him, already wide awake. This was an odd turn of events and Gerard sat up in confusion, wondering where the feather mattress had gone and feeling a little worried by its absence. He soon found other things to worry about though.

For a start, the whole room which had held nothing but the bed before was now full of presents. Big ones, small ones, long ones, round ones, all wrapped up individually with silver wrapping paper and purple pink ribbons. Stunned by this Gerard looked around for more interesting things and found a large, two tiered cake sat very close by. It had light blue frosting and a jam and cream centre and instantly his mouth watered. If the cake would taste half as good as the other food they'd been served it would be utterly divine.

Gerard glanced over at Frank to see what his thoughts on this twist of events was, but he quickly forgot to ask when he realised Frank was gazing at him with wide, stunned hazel eyes, in nothing but a pair of dark grey jeans with one of those purple pink ribbons for a belt.

"Frankie?" He squeaked, shocked to see his band mate half naked as he was. Frank bit his lip and met Gerard's eyes, giggling softly before covering his mouth.


"Where's your shirt?" Gerard asked stupidly, not sure he could handle being trapped with a half naked Frankie. He had always found the guitarist attractive and he hadn't been with his wife for a whole week. Not to mention he hadn't been with Frank for years and he had been trying so hard not to put himself in a situation where he'd get easily seduced by him.

"Where's yours?" Frank retorted smoothly, clearly not bothered by the strange situation and he only smirked as Gerard slowly looked down at himself.

"Oh..." He squeaked, realising he too was shirtless. "I don't know." He mewled, looking to Frank for explanation but the guitarist only shrugged. Apparently someone had come in the night, stolen their bed, and given them new outfits... well, half an outfit anyway.

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