The Elevator

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Mikey was fed up. He was sick of the awkward tension and he was sick of the sad eyes his brother would make toward his best friend, it had been going on too long. Ray was fed up too, Fed up of Frank's constant pining after Gerard and hearing the usual shit of "Gerard looked so hot today..." and "Oh my God, how cute is it when he scrunches his nose up" it was sickening, and collectively they made a plan to stop the two men from bothering them once and for all. They were gonna force them into a situation where they had to talk it out.

They knew exactly how they were going to do it too, Mikey being the little genius behind it of course, and Ray smoothing out the details. They were going to trap Gerard and Frank in the elevator of their apartment building, they lived together after all so it wouldn't be too difficult. They decided the best time to do it would be movie night, this week being Gerard and Frank's turn to choose the film, leaving it up to Ray to bribe Bob ,the super of the building, to make it happen. 

Soon enough Friday night rolled around and the two men could barely contain their excitement. They showed up a little earlier than usual to the building and quickly made their way to Bob's office so there would be no chance of them being caught. As they entered they found Bob staring at the screen which showed the outside of the building like he was on a surveillance mission, only turning away when he heard the door click shut "Hey guys, the plans all set, the guys left their apartment at 1800 hours and should be arriving back soon"

"Okay, how you gonna do this? You gonna rig the wiring like some spy shit?"

"Nah dude, the emergency stop switch..." Mikey blushed as Ray chuckled softly at him, Bob suddenly pulling their attention to the screen

"All systems go guys!"

Gerard and Frank shuffled into the building, making awkward small talk about the weather and the movie they had rented, trying their hardest not to make eye contact. Frank walked ahead a little and Gerard couldn't help watching the younger's ass, it was all he could think about lately. Frank hit the button for the elevator and shot a small smile back at his room mate when he heard the usual rumble of it coming to life. A moment later the doors slid open and the two men stepped inside, unknowing of what lay in store for them. The elevator doors slipped shut once more and their ascent began, startling them as it came to a shuddering halt between the third and fourth floor.

Frank frantically began hitting the elevator buttons as he realized they were no longer moving, Gerard dropping the DVD they had rented and calling out for help. After about ten minutes they realized that their actions were useless and sat on the floor of the elevator, resigning themselves to the awkward silence that engulfed the enclosed space. Gerard squirmed uncomfortably, the silence becoming to much for him and he looked up to his room mate sitting across the floor from him. He smiled as he noticed Frank was chewing his lip, it was a nervous habit the young man had but it never failed to make Gerard's stomach clench as he imagined pulling that lip between his own teeth. Before he could even register what he was doing he said quietly "It's so hot when you do that..."

Unfortunately for the older man he hadn't said it quietly enough in the small space and Frank looked up into his companion's eyes "Really?" 

Gerard blushed deeply and hid his face behind his long black hair "Uh...Y..Yeah..." he blushed a little more before scrunching up his nose in embarrassment. Frank involuntarily let out a small groan at the action and Gerard looked up once more startled, their eyes met and Frank shuffled a little closer, Gerard doing the same

"It's too fucking cute when you scrunch up your nose like that, in fact it's kinda sexy..." Gerard smirked and licked his lips,he moved closer still to the younger man til he was sitting right in front of him

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