Gerard Way Plays Dirty

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Frank was pissed off. He was locked in the back of the bus and he was pissed off. His hands hurt from hitting the door so much, his shoulder hurt from trying to ram it open. He was hungry and it didn’t help that Gerard was smirking at him the whole time. Frank gave the door a half hearted kick before screaming a few profanities at the rest of the band and sinking into the couch. Gerard just smirked at him again, highly amused.

“All you have to do is talk to me and then they’ll let us out,” Gerard said, still smirking. Frank just flipped him off, even more pissed of than before. He was going to kill Ray, Mikey and Bob when he got out.

Three weeks, it had been three weeks since he’d said a word to Gerard so the rest of the band took matters into their own hands. Halfway to the other side of the country and they had locked Gerard and Frank in the back. Gerard wasn’t bothered, well he was but not at being locked in the back. He was sad and depressed that Frank had stopped talking to him but he figured Frank would come to his senses and stop being so hormonal eventually. In the meantime Gerard was sitting in the corner drawing. This seemed to piss Frank off even more since he had nothing to do, he didn’t even have his ipod. 

Gerard looked his way every now and then smirking again. Frank was such a stubborn little butthole. He would let Gerard do practically anything because he wouldn’t say a word, not even “f**k off”. As soon as he finished his picture Gerard was going to get a word out of him, no matter what. He put the finishing touches on his picture then walked over and looked down at Frank, who was lying on the couch with his feet over the edge. Gerard found this amusing since Frank was so short, you’d think he’d fit on the couch but nope, not really. 

Sighing he rolled Frank onto his back and straddled his hips, planting his butt right on Frank’s crotch, something he knew would be entertaining later. Frank fixed him with a withering stare but didn’t say anything. 

“Look, I drew Princess Frankie, isn’t she just the cutest?” Gerard said with a smirk as he shoved the picture in Frank’s face. It was Frank in a dress and crown; it looked just like him too. Frank’s stare turned to a death glare but he still didn’t say anything.

“You know, for an annoying midget that never shuts up you’re surprisingly stubborn. Really, I never expected to not hear your voice for a whole day let alone three weeks,” he said with sickly smile. Frank just narrowed his eyes further but still said nothing.

Gerard shuffled a little, making sure to rub his butt into Frank’s crotch a little before he fixed Frank with his trade mark sexy smirk. Frank still said nothing, he did, however blush ever so slightly as Gerard shifted a little again. If looks could kill Gerard would be oh so dead. Frank’s glare could not become more venomous. Oh wait, it just did. Gerard had leaned down and was now kissing and biting Frank’s neck. Still Frank said nothing. He did nothing either, except try to push Gerard off. Gerard just grabbed Frank’s wrists and pinned them above his head.

He continued biting and sucking on Frank’s neck, paying a lot of attention to his sensitive spots. He didn’t risk trying to kiss Frank since he’d probably bite him. He held both arms with one of his hands and slid the other one under Frank’s shirt, enjoying Frank’s expression. He still wouldn’t say anything and he was going a little red from holding back whatever he was thinking. Gerard shifted again pulled Frank’s shirt over his head. Frank didn’t try to push him off again; he just kept glaring at him. He was being a stubborn butthole and he knew it but he wasn’t about to let Gerard win. Gerard finally braved kissing Frank and was relived that he didn’t get bitten.

Frank reluctantly kissed back, letting Gerard’s tongue slip into his mouth, he briefly considered biting it but he figured that was pretty low. Gerard smirked into the kiss and Frank hit him for his cockiness. Gerard pinned the offending hand above his head again before attacking Frank’s neck again. Frank was now biting his lips so he didn’t say anything but he was definitely pissed off now; Gerard Way played dirty. A gasp passed his lips when Gerard’s lips shifted to one of his nipples and he instantly bit down on his lip harder. There was no denying he was physically enjoying this but he still wouldn’t give Gerard the satisfaction of hearing his voice. 

He blushed as he felt himself begin to grow hard. Gerard knew him too well and he hated it. He attempted to push Gerard off again but it was a half hearted attempt, he was enjoying it, as much as he hated to admit it. Gerard undoubtedly noticed and he smirked again before bring his lips back to Frank’s. Frank stopped biting his lips and opened his mouth to Gerard’s instantly. Gerard’s hands trailed over Frank’s torso as he no longer had to stop Frank from pushing or hitting him. Frank ran a hand through Gerard’s hair to pull him closer and Gerard smirked into the kiss. Frank didn’t hit him this time, as long as his mouth was on his then he wouldn’t have to worry about a word slipping out. Frank was very, for lack of a better word, vocal. 

Gerard’s hands drifted lower and started fumbling with Frank’s belt. His mind was still on getting a word to pass those lips, and he knew exactly how to do it. Gerard practically ripped Frank’s jeans off him. He palmed Frank through his boxers and started biting and sucking the guitarist’s neck. Frank was nearly making his lips bleed from holding in a moan. Gerard trailed up to Frank’s ear.

“Moaning isn’t words, moan like a wh**e for me,” he murmured in his lust ridden voice. Frank still didn’t want to let Gerard win so he only moaned a little as Gerard dragged his boxers off and exposed him to the air. Gerard rolled his eyes at Frank’s stubbornness but knew his lover well and knew how to get him moaning like a wh**e until the words slipped out subconsciously.

He started trailing kisses and bites down Frank’s neck and over his chest, stopping momentarily to tease his nipples and draw a few erotic moans from Frank. He went even lower and stopped to lick and bite Frank’s hip bone. He took Frank into his mouth without warning, hoping to get a word. He wasn’t disappointed when all he got was whorish moaning, that was good enough, for now. He kept at a teasing pace and Frank knew he was going to slip up, Gerard knew him too well, sneaky bastard. As Gerard’s pace quickened and he suddenly deep throated him, Frank slipped up.


“f**k!” Frank slapped his hand over his mouth. Gerard grinned around him but didn’t stop or slow down, he wasn’t that cruel. 

As Frank’s moaning grew so did the volume of music from the front of the bus and he came soon after moaning Gerard’s name. When Gerard sat back he just smirked at Frank who glared at him.

“I hate you, you play dirty,” he muttered while trying to ignore how sexy Gerard was looking.

“RAY! Frank’s talking to me you can unlock the door now,” Gerard yelled, knowing that Ray would hear him over the music. The lock clicked a few seconds later but when Gerard moved to get off Frank he was pulled back to needy lips.

“Steal my skittles again and you’ll get no sex for a month, now it’s my turn,” Frank threatened before pushing Gerard onto his back. Gerard just smiled at him, he always won.

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