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Gerard has never known his sexuality, and no ones really ever been, "Hey dude, I realized you wanna feel something in your ass, call me sometime. I'm there for ya." And he was never going to ask anyone. 

Because girls are - are girls, but guys. Fuck, Gerard loves teasing his ass, and he loves feeling full when his fingers are inside him, and he likes jacking off, he likes gay porn. He likes dick. 

Gerard's never seen real-life dick before, other than his own (and the occasional flash of his brother). So correction, Gerard likes his dick. 

But then there's Frank Iero. 

Fuck, Gerard loves the thought of Frank Iero. But they're best friends. That's wrong. That's bad. That's fucking disgusting and filthy and Frank would never want to be in proximity of Gerard again if he knew. 

But Frank Iero was openly gay, it couldn't be that bad, right? 

Still, Gerard can't help to wonder what kinky sex or any sexual encounter with Frank Iero would be like. 

Tonight is a hotel night, and since Mikey is with Alicia, Gerard ended up rooming with Frank. Not that Gerard minds. Fuck, of course he doesn't mind. 


There's only one bed. 

Gerard remembers Frank and him entering the room, Frank eyeing the one bed, glancing at Gerard, and giggling before going; "If ya wanted to fuck me, Gee, all ya had t'do was ask."  

Was Frank kidding when he said that? Would Frank fuck him? 

Not like Gerard's going to ask him, of course he'd never ask him. How fucking awkward would that be?

Gerard stares at the dark ceiling, making out the tiny turned off light right above his and Frank's head. Frank was unintentionally under Gee's arm, cuddled up to his side and snoring slightly, and fuck, it was so fucking cute Gerard thinks it'd make him hard. He needs focus on anything else but Frank, right now. 

But he can't, because it's fucking Frank, and his mind never shuts up about the likes of Frank Iero. 

The name repeats in Gerard's head like a mantra, and he realizes it won't stop. So he just lets himself get hard. Over Frank. If he's still hard when he wakes up, he'll just tell Frank it was a dream. 

Frank wouldn't ask about that, would he?

He probably would. 

Gerard needs to fix himself. Now. 

Frank was the heaviest fucking sleeper, he'd never know.

Gerard moves his arm from around Frank and watches Frank as he slowly moved his hand down his boxers. 

"Fuck," he breathes out at the sudden contact, "Fucking hell."  

During the middle of masturbating, Gerard might've let out a small whisper of, "Frankie," and he thinks he may have heard Frank mumble back a, "hm?", but he doubts it. 

Frank is a heavy sleeper. Gerard remembers that. 

Gerard pushes himself into his hand, and then he moans, louder than he intended, over his hand and in his boxers. 

Now Gerard is sticky, and he doesn't really like the feeling of it. 

But he's not about to get up and shower right now. Absolutely not. 

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