Tell Him About It

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"You have to tell him," Mikey sing-songed for the millionth time.

"No, I don't," Gerard countered yet again. He wished he hadn't mentioned it now.

"Gerard, he has to know how you f-"


Gerard was attacked by a tiny Frank-shaped cannonball hurtling toward him and hugging his around the waist, knocking him over onto the grass. Mikey laughed at his friend as he tumbled down the grassy slope.

"Frankie!" Gerard giggled as he untangled himself and ran back to his little brother.

"You laughed! I'm off the hook!" Frank chirped, skipping after the older boy. Gerard almost regrettede going back to the taall, skinny boy with bhis arms crossed and an 'I told you so' smirk plastered across his face.

"Tell her about it! Tell her everything you f-"

"Mikeeey! Don't EVER sing! Especially not Billy Joel songs... Weirdo," Gerard saved himself, covering Frank's ears. "Frankie's too young and innocent for that kind of torture! Well... Too young!"

"Come on, Gerard! He's grown-up and legal. Besides, you know you want it," he smirked as his older brother, who pulled a threatening face behind Frank's back. Mikey raised his eyebrows at the challenge.

"Frank, Gerard- Sorry, GEE- Has something to tell you." His eyes didn't leave Gerard's betrayed face or change from their pointed stare as he spoke.

"Oh yeah?" Frank's innocent smile faded as he sensed the tension between the two brothers.

"No. Mikey is sorely mistaken. I don't want to tell you anything," Gerard replied, his eyes still locked onto Mikey's.

"Oh no, Gerard, there was something REALLY important. I'll tell him if you-"

"NO! I mean..."

Frank sighed impatiently. "Will one of you just TELL me?"

"Gerard?" Mikey offered. He sighed.

"Fine. I give up. Frank, I... I think... I think I'll win the race to the ice-cream truck over there," Gerard relented, running.

"NO!" Frank shreiked, sprinting after him. Mikey rolled his eyes and sat down, plugging his earphones into his ears.

As Frank's lack of weight and abundance on energy sent him flying past Gerard, he threw his arms into the air in triumph. "I win! I win! Wait, what do I win?"

"The chance to pay for the ice-cream? For you, it'll be a once-in-a-lifetime experience," Gerard smirked. Frank grinned, but looked him in the eye.

"How about the truth? What were you really going to say before?" Gerard was having trouble not spilling his guts to the trustworthy, innocent, unpredictable little ball of energy standing before him as it was. "I'll tell you my biggest secret!" he promised. Gerard sighed.

"You go first." He and Frank oth knew Frank would be able to get Gerard back if he didn't tell, but Gerard couldn't affect Frank that easily. So far. Gerard gave up.

"I love you."

Frank blinked. "I once dressed Mikey up as a Victorian Princess in his sleep. It's a skill. I dressed Bob up as a Brittish guy."


"He woke up before I could change him back. He was so confused. He smashed the monocle."


"I spray-painted Ray's hair green so he looked like brocolli. I coloured his eyebrows with Sharpie to match. He couldn't get it off. They were green for days."


"I didn't dress you up or draw on you while you slept. I curled up next to you."

"What?" Gerard blinked, eyes wide at the boy's confessions.

"You'd cuddle me closer in your sleep sometimes. I heard you murmur my name more than once. I was happy. I am happy. When I'm with you. You make me happy," he smiled.

"I'm happy too." Gerard and Frank smiled at eachother.

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