Power Cut

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"Fuck!" screamed the younger of the two as he blundered around in the door looking for a light switch. He flicked it a couple of times. "Fucking hell!" he cursed.

"Frankie," whispered the older one who was sitting on the sofa with his legs up.

"Yes?" whispered the other.

"I don't think the lights are working." he whispered. He may be great at art but never the less, a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

"No shit, sweetheart." Frankie replied sarcastically.

"Where are you?" he said, arms out-stretched as he manoeuvred himself around the room, hitting his hand on a solid object. He ran his hands up the object, carefully. "Frankie?" he whispered again. Frankie thought he'd take advantage of this situation and keep quiet, as his eyes had always been good at seeing in the dark all he had to do was stand in the corner of the room, watching his boyfriend stumble around aimlessly.

"No, babes. That's not me. That's the wall."

"Oh. Where the hell are you? I can't see a thing," he said, seemingly annoyed. Frankie, in the corner, chuckled to himself, as unbeknown to his boyfriend, he had actually snuck up behind him and was ready to grab him at any moment. When he least expected it of course.

"Frankie..." questioned the momentarily blind Gerard, getting slightly weary of the silence in the darkness.

"Boo!" screamed Frank at the top of his lungs while launching himself on to Gerard's back. Gerard shrieked and toppled backwards onto the sofa, on top of Frank.

"Frank! You scared the shit out of me!"

"Oh I'm sorry, sweetie. But you're getting your own back."


"You're crushing me." said Frank, his voice some what strained from the weight on his diaphragm.

"Oh sorry, my love." he apologised, getting up and taking his boyfriends hand, entwining their fingers.

They blindly made their way over to the fuse box, attempting to reset the lights. Failing this, they went back to the sofa and sat down.

"Frankie..." whispered the older, timidly.

"Yeah, Gee?"

"Do you want to know what I'm really afraid of?"

"Sure... what?"

"The dark." he whispered in the lowest of voices.

"Awh, don't worry, babes. I'm here with you, you don't have to be afraid! I won't let anything happen to you." he comforted with and invisible smile.

"I doubt a weak sixteen year old boy could protect me from the monsters, no matter how cute he is..."

"Weak, ey?" the smallest of the two questioned while straddling the older and pinning back his arms. "and cute?" he growled, seductively.


"Very weak?" he said laying more pressure over the boy under him. "or very cute?"

"Both," Gerard winked.

Frank let himself drop on top of Gerard, disabling his movement.

"Since we're in this position already..." hinted Gerard, but Frank was way ahead of him and was already placing wet kisses on Gerard's neck.

Gerard breathed in sharply and arched his back, leaning into Frank's kisses. He took the bottom of his shirt in his hands and began pulling it over his head, sitting up slightly to get it over his head. Frank ran his hand over Gerard's- now bare- chest before taking off his own shirt. Their bare chests touched and each man gasped at the contact.

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