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“This is weird,” Frank says, watching their reflection in the mirror. “It’s weird because like, I’m right here.”

“Well, you did say you wanted to watch.” Gerard reaches around Frank to dig in the open bag in the sink. “You pretty much need to be here for that.”

“I know, but in my head I usually watch from like, the shadows, or whatever.”

Gerard-in-the-mirror gives him a flat-mouthed look. “The shadows.”

“Or whatever.” Frank rubs his hands against his thighs. “No shadows in here though, huh.”

“Frank.” Gerard finds what he needs in the bag and spreads his free hand out over Frank’s stomach, pressing down a little, warm and firm. “You’re kind of twitchy. Er. Than usual.”

Frank closes his eyes and leans back into Gerard, turning his face and resting his forehead on Gerard’s ear. “I’m nervous.”

Gerard just holds him for a minute, rubbing his hand from side-to-side a little. “It’s not like you haven’t seen me do it before.”

“I know.” Frank has seen Gerard do it a thousand times, of course, but, “This is different.”

“Yeah.” Gerard’s hand on Frank’s stomach moves in a slow circle, comforting and familiar, but the hard bathroom light bounces off what he’s holding in his other hand in a sharp slice. “So, should I just go for it all at once, or start off slow, or what?”

Frank presses his lips to Gerard’s throat briefly, just to feel the pulse beat under the skin once, twice, then he stands up straight. “Just do it how you would if you were alone,” he says, gripping the edge of the sink with both hands. “Just pretend I’m not here.”

“Not as easy as you might think,” Gerard says quietly, and in the mirror his face disappears behind Frank’s head and then Frank feels a kiss on the back of his neck, and shivers. “Mmm. Okay.”

Frank watches Gerard look down, doing something Frank can’t see behind his back, and he can’t help pressing against the edge of the basin a little, already hard, wanting something warm and yielding to rock into, wanting Gerard. Then Gerard looks up again, and meets his eyes in the mirror.

“Okay,” he says again, and lifts his hand to his mouth.

He’s sort of business-like about it, painting his bottom lip with one smooth sweep, then following the sweet dip and curve of his upper lip more carefully. He doesn’t look at Frank until he’s done, until he’s replaced the cap and put the tube back in the bag.

“Oh,” Frank says faintly, when Gerard finally looks up and meets his eyes in the mirror. “Oh.”

It’s just red, nothing Frank hasn’t seen before, but the bathroom lights cast a blue-ish tone over it, making Gerard’s mouth look bruised, raw. Heavy, somehow.

“Well,” Gerard says, and Frank watches his lips move, “Is it, I mean. What now?”

“Say it.”


“You know,” Frank says, and pushes back against Gerard, watching Gerard’s eyelids flutter and his little pink tongue come out to wet his red, red lips in the centre of his smooth, pale, face. “Come on.”

Gerard laughs a little bit, sideways, breathless, but then he meets Frank’s eyes again and says, “I was definitely into it.”

Frank whines and turns around, shoving his hands into Gerard’s hair and pulling him close, pressing their foreheads together. Gerard gets his hands under Frank’s thighs and lifts him up, so he’s sitting on the cold, hard edge of the basin, legs tight around Gerard’s hips as Gerard rocks into him, once, twice.

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