Pretentious Little Punks With Lip Rings - Part 2

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Gerard spent most of the rest of the evening chatting with Frankenstein and finishing whatever homework he had. It was actually really nice, talking to someone that wasn't a complete moron. It turned out that they actually did have a few things in common, which Gerard found strange and oddly nice. He never thought that he'd ever find anyone in the school that he could easily relate to (despite all the negativity). They both liked all the same music, the same movies, and Frankenstein admitted to liking the same comic books... Gerard found himself desperately wanting to find out who he really was. He might finally have a close friend for once.

But he knew it was unlikely that Frankenstein would ever reveal his true identity, and Gerard certainly didn't want to say who he was. He was afraid that when Frankenstein knew who he was, he wouldn't ever want to speak to Gerard again. He didn't want to risk that.

The next day, Gerard didn't mind going to school as much as he usually would. Talking to Frankenstein had apparently put him in a better mood, and it was also friday, which would make anyone feel better. He even smiled as he walked into school, which never happened. Ever. It just felt like today might not be so shitty after all.

All those feelings vanished as soon as he walked past Frank, who was sitting outside the principal's office. That's when Gerard suddenly realised that he'd forgotten to go see Mr. Johnson again at the end of the day to receive whatever punishment was to be dolled out. The realisation hit him not unlike the punch he'd taken to the face the previous day, and it was just as unpleasant. Well, there went his good mood. And quite possibly his life, knowing Mr. Johnson and his usual tendencies.

He sat down quietly next to Frank, putting his head in his hands in despair. He was so dead.

"Did you forget to come back to the office yesterday?" Frank's voice shocked him out of his daydream.

"Yeah, it completely slipped my mind. Is that why you're here?" Frank nodded. "We are so fucked... Did you see James or the other guy at all?"

"They came out of the office a few minutes ago; all they got was a warning." Franks sighed, rolling his eyes more out of habit than exasperation or annoyance.

The office door suddenly opened then, making both of them jump slightly. Gerard braced himself for the worst, hoping that the punishment wouldn't be too severe, and he was surprised when he looked up and saw Mr. Urie standing by the door.

"Oh, good, you're both here." he said, opening the door wider. "Come on in, I was just about to go looking for you."

Well that didn't sound good. Frank disappeared through the door and Gerard silently followed behind. Mr. Johnson was waiting for them, sitting behind his desk and tapping his fingers impatiently against the table. Gerard felt slightly relieved when Mr. Urie didn't make any move to leave. Surely, Mr. Johnson wouldn't be so hard on them now that there was a witness?

"Boys," he started, "I take it you know why you're both here this morning?" Gerard nodded solemnly, and he saw Frank worrying his bottom lip nervously between his teeth. "Mr. Urie and I were just discussing your punishment. Upon your english teacher's request, for the next three weeks you will both be having detention with Mr. Urie at the end of each day."

Gerard was suddenly overcome with a strange urge to reach across and hug the old balding man. Ok so detention was bad, especially for three weeks, but with Mr. Urie? He basically looked and acted like the human version of a puppy. It was better than having the gym teacher for detention, who would make you run laps until time was up or you passed out from exhaustion. Maybe the day was starting to look better again...

Next to Gerard, Frank didn't seem to be taking the news so well.

"Three weeks?! All the other two got was a warning!" He was glaring defiantly at the headmaster.

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