Stay With Me Tonight

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Stay With Me Tonight ((Your Call Secondhand Serenade))

His delicate mouth was pulled up slightly in the corners, dragging his slim pink lips into a soft smile. His gentle hazel eyes were glazed over, staring at me with a vacant happiness. The skin that covered his frail frame was chilled and snow white as usual. Black strands of hair surrounded his head on his pillow; creating a halo-like quality. His chest sat still, no longer slowly rising and falling like it had been. His soul was free, but his body remained. It remained with me on his bed in the basement which was his room. With puffy red eyes and a broken heart, I rested my head again on his chest; holding his empty body in my arms until we were found. Gerard was gone; my Gerard was gone.

I was mindlessly playing Pansy, my guitar, on my bed at my house; trying to form a new song. My dream was always to be in a band; to be something great. My phone started ringing so with a heavy sigh, I gently laid Pansy on my bed and reached forward to snatch it. "Yes?"


"Gerard?" I said, recognizing the soft voice. "Are you ok?" It wasn't unusual for Gerard to call me at random hours; it was however unusual for him to sound scared. Most of the time he was hyper or wasted when he called. Most of the time I had to get him home from some party.

"C-can you come over?" His voice was shaky and nervous.

"Sure," I said, afraid of what was wrong with him. I knew Gerard was a very unpredictable person, but I could always tell when he was in trouble. "What's wrong?" I asked him softly. When dealing with Gerard, you must remain calm and patient. When he was wasted, I would often have to repeat myself or explain very simple things to him until he understood.

"J-just come over..." He said. I thought he was going to cry; but I knew he wouldn't. Unless he was very wasted, Gerard wouldn't cry in front of everyone. He would hide himself to cry. The only reason I knew this was because Gerard was my best friend in the world and I spent a great amount of time with him. "N-no one is h-home..."

"I'll be over in a minute, k Gee?"

"Thanks," Gerard said quietly and the line went dead; my phone beeping at me a few moments later to tell me. I shut my phone and jumped off my bed, searching my messy room for a hoodie. I didn't know what was wrong with Gerard, but I couldn't waste time. He wasn't a very stable person either and I didn't want him to make a poor, hasty decision.

"Mom, I'm going to Gerard's." I called as I pulled the hoodie over my head, quickly throwing some shoes on and sticking my phone in my pocket.

"Why?" She asked as I quickly headed for the door.

"He just called." I told her a little frustrated because I couldn't find my keys.

"I thought you were staying home this weekend." She said with a frown. Like I said, I spent a great deal of time with Gerard and my mother missed me. At least I know I'm loved.

"I know but there was something strange in the way he was talking to me. His voice was shaky and afraid." I told her, turning over everything in my path to find my car keys. "Can I borrow your car?"

"Be careful and don't stay any longer than you have to. I miss you you know." She said, reaching into her purse that was on the table and pulling the keys out. I grabbed them, hugged her, and raced to the door. I had already spent a good five or ten minutes that were precious.

The sky was dark and the air was cold as I quickly headed to my mom's car, shoving the key in the door to unlock it. Swinging it open, I fell onto the seat and quickly pulled the door shut; cramming the key into the ignition and hastily twisting it. As the engine came to life, I yanked the seatbelt over my body then fixed the rearview mirror. I wouldn't be any help to Gerard if I didn't make it because I got into a car crash. Once set, I put the car in reverse, backed out of the driveway, shifted it into drive, and pressed the gas pedal down; turning the wheel to straighten myself on the road as I headed to Gerard's.

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