Pretentious Little Punks With Lip Rings - Part 4

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Gerard stared at him, then at his hand, then back to him.

"How do you... How did you figure it out?" He said eventually.

Frank drew his hand back and wouldn't look Gerard directly in the eye. "Gerard, you're wearing a Batman t-shirt and you're the only one I know in our school who actually works on a Saturday. It wasn't too hard to figure it out."

Gerard crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "Why do I feel like you're leaving something out?"

Frank sighed. "That evening we had detention with Mr. Urie... When you left, he had to bring out some stuff to his car. I offered to help him, because I thought I could find the answers to the test we're having next week. I found a page that looked like it would be useful, but when I took it home and looked at it this morning, it was actually a sheet with the names of all the pairs he made up. He paired the two of us together."

"So...You only found out this morning?" Gerard asked. "Why didn't you tell me when you first came to the record store?" He started to sound accusing.

"There was never a right time!" Frank held up his hands. "I wanted to tell you straight away, I swear!"

Gerard stayed silent after that, walking away to sit on the edge of the stage. So Frank was Frankenstein... He should have seen it before. Now that he thought about it, it was pretty obvious. Same bad attitude, same type of humour... And the only thing Gerard could focus on was the fact that he might actually have a chance with Frank now.

Frank came and sat next to him, nudging his shoulder tentatively.

"You're not mad, are you?"

"No, not really."

"What's wrong then?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"You're lying."

Gerard turned his head to look at him, and then sighed. "It's just... I've never told anyone else before. Only my brother and my mom know I'm gay."

"Well, I promise i'll never tell anyone as long as you don't," said Frank, half-smiling. "Or else i'll-"

"You'll kill me, I know," Gerard interrupted, laughing.

"I just don't go around telling everyone. You're... Actually, you're one of the only people that knows."

"Do your parents know?"

He shook his head sadly. "My mom probably wouldn't care, but my dad..." he trailed off.

Gerard reached out tentatively and squeezed Frank's hand comfortingly. "I'm here for you, y'know... If you need me."

He squeezed back gratefully, uncharacteristically quiet for once. "Thanks Gee."

Gerard smiled to himself. "No problem."

They didn't talk for a while after that, the mood having grown heavier. They just lay back on the stage on their backs, enjoying each other's company. They still held hands, which was nice and made Gerard feel all funny inside, but Frank just needed some comfort. It didn't change anything between them. Gerard was starting to give up any hope of them ever being more than friends, thinking it would be nearly impossible. They wouldn't really be able to be close at school, because most of the people there were narrow minded assholes, and Frank could never tell his parents. It really wasn't the ideal situation.

Frank shook Gerard out of his daydream, standing up and holding out a hand to help him to his feet. They'd stayed there longer than intended, and they'd have to go home soon if Gerard didn't want to get told off. Frank walked Gerard back to his house, despite Gerard telling him that he was fine and could get back on his own in one piece. He insisted on coming with him, in case his mom got pissed in which case he'd take the blame.

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