To The End

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(/click/) (sound of someone clearing their throat)(few seconds of silence)

I consider myself to be a very fortunate person.

That's not something everyone can say, which is actually pretty sad. How much more beautiful the world would be if everyone were as fortunate as I am.

This is all thanks to one person, one very special person, that came into my life and changed it forever. That persons name is Frank... Frank Iero. For a long time, he was the last person on earth Ithought I would ever love. It's funny how life turns out... (heavy cough)

It's all pretty ironic if you think about it for two reasons, the main reason being that we actually hated each other during our youth. We were always fighting and bickering over everything and nothing at all; any little detail was enough to get us into a huge right-wrong discussion. What I saw as black, he saw as white; what I thought was nice, he thought was horrible. Looking back at us now, it's actually funny. Who would have thought? Who would have thought that the frustration that I felt daily towards him was actually the frustration of not having him for myself?

The second reason is pretty crazy too; never in my life had I ever been with another man. I had dated many girls and had even been proposed to one of them. It's so wild to think how drastically my life changed because of that one person. I never doubted my being straight until the day my mouth crashed against his...

I remember that day perfectly, and consider it one of the best of my entire life, although it hadn't started out so well. Iwas pissed because we were arguing, as usual. He was my brother Mikey's roommate. On that day, Mikey had sent me to pick up some book he needed while he was in class. When I arrived, Frank was there, when he should've been in class. I asked him what the hell he was doing there, not happy to see him, to which he responded, "I could ask you the same. What's it to you, anyways?"

(cough cough)

I rolled my eyes and went to the living room to find Mikey's book and leave the apartment as soon as possible. He followed, standing in the doorway, watching me as I searched through a pile of books sanding dangerously next to a white guitar that was leaning against the wall. "Watch out; touch my baby and I'll have to show you the real meaning of pain," he warned me, just as I hit it slightly with a book, by accident, sending it crashing to the floor.

Before I could react, Frank was next to me, quickly picking up his guitar and yelling everyone curse word he could think of. Happy to see him pissed, I told him coolly, "Chill out, it's fine. It was an accident anyways. If you would take better care of your things and not leave them lying around, these kinds of things wouldn't happen." I spotted Mikey's book finally, swept it up and walked towards the door, not wanting to give him a chance to answer.

He was faster than I thought. Before Iarrived at the door, he was in front of it, blocking the only way out. "No way man, you scratched it. Now you have to pay for it," he informed me.

I stared at him with my mouth open and let out a laugh. "Fuck off; I'm not paying for your carelessness." I tried to get past him, but couldn't, which is weird if you consider how short he is.(chuckle) (cough)

I dropped the book I was holding on a chair and walked back over to the guitar, picking it up. "Fine, if you won't let me out and I have to pay for this anyways, I think I'll just... finish destroying it." I grinned at him evilly as he opened his mouth in shock and terror at the very thought of me doing anything to his precious guitar.

"Oh, no you won't!" He ran over to me and tried to grab the guitar from me. I raised it above my head with one hand, laughing as he started to jump up and down in his effort to save the guitar from doom.

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