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Frank is pissed. Fucking, pissed. No, he's more than pissed. He doesn't even know if there is a word for how fucking angry he is.

As he storms back stage, the last of the crowd's applause drains from his ears and all he can hear is his blood pumping in his ears. It's so loud that he can't hear Ray or Mikey calling on him, and he practically shoves past Lauren when she asks where he's going with his guitar.

Frank just keeps walking, and it's only now he realised he didn't hand his guitar to his tech, but fuck it, he can use it. He uses his guitar to get rid of tension, right?

Frank walks right out of the venue and into the parking lot. The tour bus is parked a little away from where the fans are, all crowded up against a large fence, hoping their heroes will show face and sign a few posters. Right now, however, Frank couldn't really give a flying fuck.

He steps out into the center of the parking lot, and he can hear people behind him now, and he thinks he can vaguely hear Toro calling his name, but Frank just ignores him. He's still out of shot of the fans, but he can hear them chanting.

Without a word, Frank just grabs his guitar's neck in both hands and lifts it above his head. As it comes smashing down to the ground, Frank lets out a grunt and he just keeps lifting it and bringing it back down onto the concrete. He doesn't pay attention to the paint chipping, or the hard wood splintering off in different directions. He just keeps smashing it and smashing it down until suddenly his arms feel light and he realises that all he's holding now is the snapped neck.

Frank looks down at the ground, and he just stares blankly at the broken pieces of his guitar. There's an anger building inside him, and Frank can't stop it when he just lets out a scream, and he actually clenches his fists, bends his knees and just screams.

It feels like an eternity later when Frank's silent again, and he just stands there, staring at the ground. There's a sound of footsteps, and then Lauren's there, an arm around his waist, guiding him back inside. Frank goes willingly, feeling so slack, but he doesn't say anything. He ignore the stares from the roadies and techs as he passes, and he doesn't even acknowledge Toro or Dewees when he gets to the dressing room.

Inside, Mikey is standing by the bathroom door, a worried look on his face. He's talking in a quiet voice to someone in the bathroom, but when he sees Frank he shuts up completely.

Frank just scowls a little.


Gerard's stupid red haired head pokes out of the bathroom, and Mikey sends him this look that Frank knows means, Gee, shut the fuck up if you want to live, but Gerard never has been one to take notice of his safety.

"What happened to your guitar?" Gerard asks, leaning against the door frame and frowning at Frank.

Frank looks down at the guitar neck he's still clutching, then back up at Gerard. There’s a hot, burning sting right in the center of Frank's chest and he just glares at Gerard as he stares at Frank like he doesn't know that Frank's pissed.

Without warning, Frank launches the broken wood in Gerard's direction.

Gerard squeaks and falls backwards into the bathroom as Mikey jumps out of the way shouting, "What the fuck, Frank?"

Frank's only just realised he's actually seething, he's even making a strange hissing sound with each breath he takes, because he's so fucking angry.

"Frank, it was just a--"

"Fuck you," Frank spits, and he turns before Gerard can say anymore. "Fuck you, asshole."


Frank's already in his bunk when everyone else climbs onto the tour bus. He didn't sign anything, or even wave to the fans, because he just couldn't. He was worried about what he might say, and whilst he knows what an asshole his lead singer is, the fans don't. Well, maybe they do, but they love him all the same, and probably don't want to punch Gerard's stupid pretty face. Frank does want to punch Gerard's stupid pretty face. In fact, he's pretty sure he's going to at some point tonight. Or maybe tomorrow, depending on whether or not he can fall asleep before Lauren calls him into--

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