Teenage Dream

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/You think I'm pretty

Without any make-up on

You think I'm funny

When I tell the punch line wrong

I know you get me

So I'll let my walls come down, down/

Frank Iero ran threw the tour bus laughing and opened the curtain to my bunk. Somehow I managed a smile. Only for him. He was so fucking incredible. "Hey Gee-Gee. Time to get up." He smiled up at me. His head barely made it over the bunk. "I don't wana. Then I gota go take a shower and put on make-up and get all pretty." I said closing my eyes again. He giggled. "Your so funny Gerard, your pretty without all that shit on your face." Then he let the curtain fall and walked away. He had no idea how long something like that he had said stuck in my mind. Being called pretty by the most gorgeous man to ever walk the earth, it's quite a compliment. With that, I dragged myself out of my bunk and to the cramped bathroom.

We were all sitting in the couch area of our bus drinking coffee. "Mk, so I heard this joke." I started out and everyone groaned, I was the worst joke-teller ever. "So there was a guy and a nun playing golf, the guy hits the ball and misses the hole so he says, 'goddamn it, I missed.'. The nun gets mad and say, 'don't say that, surely god will strike you down.' The guy ignores her and continues playing. He misses again, and says 'goddamn it, I missed.' So the nun replied once again, 'if you say that one more time, God will surely strike you down dead.' He ignored her and shot again, once again he said 'Goddamn it, I missed.' Just then a lightning bolt came down and struck the nun down dead. A voice from heaven said 'Goddamn it, I missed." Frank started giggling un-controllably, making me smile. Had I finally told one right? "Gerard, it's 'Me damn it, I missed. God says, me damn it. Christ, you can't tell a single joke right." Bob said getting up and storming to his bunk. Guess that's a no. "It was still funny." Frank said shrugging and sipping his coffee. I smiled over at him, he made me feel so.. amazing. So special. Like a teenager. He understood what I was talking about even when it didn't make sense to me. I can tell him anything before I thought about what I was saying, everything except what I want to tell him the most, that I love him.

/Before you met me

I was a wreck

But things were kinda heavy

You brought me to life

Now every February

You'll be my valentine, valentine/

I am laying in my bed, thinking of everything Frank did for me, everything he probably doesn't even remember. Stuff he wouldn't think twice about. Little things, remembering my birthday when no one else did. Checking to make sure I was ok after a show when I just disappeared, making me coffee. Little things. Before I met him, my life was a wreck. I was an alcoholic, I hurt my brother, I embarrassed my parents (well I still probably did that), My grandma had just died, and I no longer cared about living. I wanted to die. But then he came a long. One look, one smile, I wanted to keep living if only to see his face again. He picked me up off the ground, made everything ok again. He stood by me every step of the way. Now I'm clean, sober, and generally a happy person, I was living the dream after all.

Tomorrow was Valentines day. During all this thinking, I still couldn't decide whether or not to take the risk and say something to Frank. "Hey Gee" He said sticking his head into my bunk. "Hey, kid." I said smiling back at him. "Can I?" He asked eyeing the bed. " 'Course." I replied sitting up so he had room to climb in, opposite me. "Will you be my valentine, Gee-Gee?" He said tilting his head to the side and smiling. "Every February, Frankie." I said smiling. "Good, 'cause I don't want it to be anyone else." He kissed me softly. "I love you, Gerard." He said leaning his forehead against mine. "I love you too." I said kissing him again.

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