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When Frank had seen the present waiting for him on his bed he had squealed like a little girl on Christmas. You would have thought that the fat man himself had plopped down the chimney and left it there personally. 

Frank had no idea who had snook into his house and left it for him whilst he had been in the shower, but he was suddenly filled with uncontrollable excitement. He flicked on his stereo as he passed and began to sing along to jingle bell rock as he picked up the parcel and began to turn it over in his hands. 

It had been wrapped in shiny scarlet paper, tied with a cream bow with a piece of mistletoe held in place by the ribbon. It was a very pretty present but with a week still left until Christmas Frank wasnt sure whether he was supposed to open it now or wait. But a quick read of the (festively decorated) note answered his question.

Hey Frankie baby ;]

Thanks again for agreeing to come with me tonight, I'll make it up to you I promise. I know you said you don't mind but believe me... after you've seen your outfit you will do. 

I'll pick you up at seven, so be sexy and ready for me ;]

Love sexy Santa Gee xox

Frank giggled at the note and put it down with a grin on his face. A week previously Gerard had begged him to come with him to his works Christmas party, saying that every one had to have a date and if he turned up alone not only would he be the biggest loser in there he would also be mobbed by all the single women who refused to believe that he was gay and had a super sexy boyfriend.

"But you don't have a super sexy boyfriend Gee." Frank had been quick to point out and Gerard had scoffed, pouting at him.

"Yes I know that, oh best friend of mine." At this point he had grinned and grabbed Franks shoulders, beaming at him as he said"But that's where you come in!" And Frank had been so flattered at the fact that Gerard thought him suitable to play the role of super sexy boyfriend that he had been unable to refuse. 

Hence why he was now stood, with a towel round his waist, holding a present containing his mystery outfit with only two hours left to get ready. 

Frank had no idea what his outfit might be but he couldnt wait to find out, so with careful deliberation he untied the bow and placed the sprig of mistletoe onto his bedside locker before gently unwrapping the red paper, careful not to rip it as it was shiny and therefore special. Beneath the paper was a white box with a store name written across the top in gold calligraphy, Frank paid no attention to the writing (which he should have done as he would have realised it was the name of a local, and popular, sex shop) and simply flipped the lid to grab at his outfit. 

Franks singing came to an abrupt halt as his eyes widened, he turned away from the bed and held up the pair of tight brown leather trousers he had taken from the box and fleetingly wondered if this was supposed to be some kind of joke. But he knew Gerard well enough to know that this really was his outfit. 

"They are not going to fit..." He whispered, turning the trousers to see them from all angles. One thing was for sure, he wouldnt be needing any underwear. 

Dropping the leathers Frank turned back to the box to see what other ungodly horrors lay in store... but apparently, there was very little else. Horrified, Frank grabbed the box and tipped it upside down as if more clothing would magically appear, but all that fell onto his duvet was a brown dog collar, a brown leather band, a small brown tail and a pair of reindeer antlers. "Wheres the top!?" He squeaked, staring down at the (apparently top less) box. 

For a short moment Frank was too surprised to move, but then he snapped out of it and began to sort through the rest of his outfit. 

He picked up the brown leather band and stretched it between his fingers. "What the...?" He mumbled, frowning at it. It was too big to go round his wrist, but too small to go round his thigh (when he fleetingly wondered about it). Which begged the question... what was it for? "Does this thing come with instructions?" Frank grumbled, pushing the other items aside and picking up a piece of paper hidden beneath the antlers he hadnt noticed before. He turned the paper over in his hands to find a photograph of the outfit being modelled by a ridiculously muscular man . Above his head the words 'Sexy reindeer' had been written and Frank scoffed to himself. "How can a reindeer be sexy?" He demanded, his eyes scanning the image in slight horror as he realised he had to wear that

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