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Please Please Forgive Me

But I Won't Be Home Again

Maybe Someday You'll Have Woke Up

And, Barely Conscious You'll Say To No One

Isn't Something Missing?

I stood next to the bed, gazing down mournfully at my love, hair splaying out ebony black against the harsh white of the pillow that his head rested on. Emerald green eyes darted lazily behind closed lids, perfect lips curling into a tiny dream filled smile. His pale skin seemed to glow out from the dark blue of the sheet. My dark angel. I pulled my lip ring into my mouth, suckling on it as though I was nervous. I knelt down carefully on the bed, stroking his cheek softly and my already love swollen heart pulsed again as he leant into my touch. I leant down, placing a tender kiss upon his soft, kissable lips and a tear slipped down my cheek, a lump rising in my throat as I tried not to cry.

He wasn't mine anymore...

Dark, thick eyelashes fluttered, caressing his cheekbones as he moaned lightly, turning away from me in his sleep. Turning to her, his arm wrapped around the woman that was now his wife. My heart sank. He truly was happy with her. They'd just got married. Gerard sighed contentedly, snuggling his pale face into her hair and pulling her close and I chewed on my lip. How did he expect me to be okay with this after the way we were? After the way he was with me...

I turned my back on the couple, heart gradually breaking into a thousand pieces the further I walked away. More tears slipped down my cheeks as I took one last glance back at the pale beauty that once loved me and who I loved with all my now shattered heart. I tore my gaze from the couple and left the room, grabbing my jacket and, taking a deep breath, switched off the light of the hall, plunging the room into darkness before silently leaving the house for the final time. 

You Won't Cry For My Absence, I Know

You Forgot Me Long Ago

Am I That Unimportant?

Am I So Insignificant?

Isn't Something Missing?

Isn't Someone Missing Me?

I walked down one cold ally after another and soon I'd lost count of the number of streets I'd trudged along. An icy wind ruffled my lank lifeless hair and tears crept slowly down my cheeks, evaporating into the dark night sky. I sighed, letting my mind wander back to my time in the sun. 

"Gerard no!" I squealed as he leapt at me with tickling fingers attacking my sides as he walked me back. I was soon subdued on the couch; Gerard kneeling above me giggling as he slowly stopped his attack. I creased up a little, letting out those last few giggles that hadn't quite escaped before he stopped. I gazed up at him lovingly as his hands pulled me close, holding me tight in his arms, my face buried in his pale neck. His thick black hair swooshed around me, clouding my vision pleasantly and I heard him sigh contently. Brushing my lips against the faintly chilled skin of his jaw line I ran my hands over his stomach up to his chest, smiling secretively as I realized he was bare from the waist up. I bit down gently over his pulse and he collapsed against me, moaning softly in my ear. 

"Jeez...not on the couch baby..." he whispered breathily, his mind suddenly working overtime to comprehend simple sentences. I giggled again. I loved the effect I had on him. We lay intimately close, Gerard's chest pressed flush against my own, breathing deep of each others scent. It was perfect. Things were perfect. I lifted my hips a little, angling so they just brushed against the ever growing bulge in the front of Gerard's jeans, hitching both his breath and my own. His head fell forwards, forehead against mine and his hair fell across to mingle with my fringe. 

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