Nyan Puke Nails and Black Scarves

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When Gerard woke up, someone, namely the tiny idiot who was currently singing in the kitchen, had decided to paint his fucking fingernails. Not that Gerard had any particular problem with nail polish in general - hell, he'd spent nearly the whole of the Black Parade with the black on his nails - it was just that, well, he wasn't a neon yellow nail polish kinda guy.

So, of course, being fully aware of this, Frank had decided to paint his nails in the disgusting colour.

After glaring at his garish, badly painted nails for anther minute, Gerard groaned and pulled himself out of bed to go and hunt down his incredibly irritating and impossibly adorable boyfriend, who had switched from singing to loudly humming some LeATHERMOUTH song, still in the kitchen.

Stalking into the kitchen, Gerard plonked himself into seat next to Frank at the kitchen counter, took a swig of coffee from Frank's unicorn mug (either it had been stolen (accidently, of course) from Mikey and Alicia's house, or it had been a present from Mikey) and shoved his nails under Frank's nose.

"Care to tell me as to why my nails look like Nyan Cat puked on them?" Frank stooped humming Fifth Period Massacre; looked seriously at Gerard's fingernails for a moment, before looking up and regarding Gerard's face gravely. He shook his head slowly.

"I didn't do this Gee. How wasted did you get last night?" Frank asks, still with that somber look on his face, like he was disappointed in Gerard. The red head would totally get why too - he'd been sober for seven and a half years, so why would that have changed? He feels panicked for a moment, until he spots Frank's face creasing into the familiar lines of laughter, and swats at the smaller tattooed man.

"Asshole." Gerard's laughing as well though, and Frank knows he's been forgiven. Gerard takes another slurp of coffee from Franks mug, and tangles his legs with Franks, causing the younger man to smile.

"Plans for today?" Frank asks, looking back at the newspaper he'd been idly flipping through whilst waiting for Gerard to wake up. Gerard studies Frank for a moment, taking in the short dark hair, the tattooed arms he can see (unlike his tattooed chest which is currently covered in a faded Black Flag t-shirt), and the mildly concentrated expression that sits on his face.

"You have some LeATHERMOUTH stuff to be working on, right?" Frank hums affirmatively in response to Gerard's question. "And I have to carry on working on the Umbrella Academy..." He trails off and Frank looks up at him, grinning.

"You missed some kind of deadline again, didn't you?" Frank is smirking that irresistible smirk, and Gerard can only duck his head, his cheeks flaming like his hair.

"I'm certain Becky told me it was due next week." Gerard says mournfully, lowering his head to the counter dejectedly, Frank still grinning away at his boyfriends' forgetfulness and general idiocy.

Frank reaches out a hand and strokes it through Gerard's hair, loving the feeling of the soft hair between his fingers. The roots are showing up again though. Frank loves Gerard's hair long, it's easier to run his hands through. He looks at how awfully Gerard's nails are painted and giggles to himself. There was a reason Gerard had to paint everyone else's nails whilst on tour - and in general really - and that was because he was used to doing fancy brush strokes; unlike everyone else who either spent their time strumming strings or hitting things. Hardly nail-polish-applying practice.

Gerard purrs quietly at the feel of Frank stroking his hair, and then lifts his head at the sound of Frank's sunny child like giggle that makes Gerard melt on the inside.

"What's so funny?" Frank looks at his red haired boyfriend nails and nods his head towards them, and carries on giggling. Gerard shakes his head and mock growls at Frank.

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