Pretentious Little Punks With Lip Rings - Part 7

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The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Gerard walked home with Frank after school, pausing at the bottom of his street to say goodbye. He promised to meet Gerard at the same place again the next morning. After that, Gerard walked the rest of the way home. He wasn't surprised to find that his mom was still at work, but he found it strange that Mikey wasn't back yet. He elected to ignore it, picking his bag up and heading up to his room instead. He sketched for a while, and then did some homework. By the time his mom got home, he was just sitting at his desk contemplating whether or not to start his english essay yet. He gave up and went downstairs.

"Hey mom. D'you have any idea where Mikey is?"

"He's just over at a friend's house, but he should be back soon," she said. "Did you have a good day at school?"

"Mom, it's school. I only go because it's the law. I never like going to school."

"Alright, alright, I won't ask ever again." She smiled, holding her hands in front of her in surrender. "Go finish whatever homework you have left, we'll have dinner when Mikey gets back."

So Gerard went back upstairs, only to sit at his desk again and stare intently at a blank sheet of paper lying in front of him. He nearly jumped out of his chair when his phone buzzed.

Frank - Hey G, what are you doing?

Gerard - Just trying to start the english essay

Frank - Already?! You'll have to show it to me when it's done

Gerard - Not a chance!!

Frank - aww :(

Frank - Fine, you can't read mine then

Gerard - Fine :P

They stopped texting after that, and Gerard made a start on the essay. It was... Strange. That's the only way he could describe it. Mr. Urie had said that it was meant to be "therapeutic", and Gerard came to realize that he was actually right. Writing about Frank, writing about how he felt when he was with him... It felt nice, it helped him sort out exactly what it was he was feeling towards Frank. When Mikey finally got back and dinner was ready he'd written more than half the essay, and he felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

He slept well and deeply that night, and every night that followed. School was flying by that week, and Gerard was growing even closer to Frank. He texted Gerard on thursday night saying he'd finally finished the essay, and Gerard texted him back saying he'd finished the night before. Frank asked again if he could read it, and yet again, Gerard said no. He'd spilled his heart out into the essay, and he honestly hoped Mr. Urie wouldn't judge him based on it. He didn't seem like that type. So on friday morning They all handed their essays in, and then Gerard just had to wait the entire week-end before getting it back.

But Mr. Urie didn't give them back until the following friday evening. They were all handed back in a hurry since everyone was desperate to get home and start the weekend. Gerard grabbed his and he and Frank rushed home. They'd met up with Ray and Bob again the previous weekend, but this weekend they had no plans.

When Gerard got home he ran straight to his room and pulled his essay out of his bag. His eyes drifted to the top of the page and then went wide in shock. The essay wasn't his; it belonged to some girl in his class. That meant... someone else had his essay. SHIT! He started pulling at his hair in frustration, but there was nothing he could do until monday. He picked up his phone and texted Frank.

Gerard - someone else has my essay!!!

No reply. He texted once or twice more, but stopped soon after that when there was still no reply, not wanting to be annoying. He went down for dinner, got ready for bed... His head spinning with confusion and dread as he imagined what could be happening with his essay. He went to bed, his stomach churning nervously. So many secrets...

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