You and I

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"Mama, we all go to hell..."

Every eye in the stadium was on Gerard as he strutted around like a maniac. He was one of the only people on earth who could pull off looking both amazingly sexy and mentally deranged at the same time. His "dancing" was jerky, like a malfunctioning robot, but in a strange way he was the epitome of grace. His voice was the perfect mixture of heaven and hell; the man was a walking contradiction. The way he swung his hips; the sheer audacity of the hand in his skin-tight jeans...The only other performer who'd ever been able to pull a stunt like that was Elvis, and he was dead and gone. Gerard was very alive, and very real, a fact that Frank could not easily overlook.

"So when we go don't blame us..."

The singer was bouncing now, jumping up and down, and to the guitarist it was practically hypnotic. He strode up to the front of the stage, and without pausing his strumming, began to nuzzle Gerard's shoulder with his head.

The routine was normal for them, but Frank knew it meant nothing to his bandmate. Since their first onstage kiss, he had made it clear that their...provocative behavior was just for show. The guitarist, on the other hand, felt sparks fly every time they touched, on stage or off, and couldn't help but hope every day for it to finally mean something to the other man.

"You should have raised a baby girl, I should have been a better son..."

The lyrics didn't pause as Gerard's hand slipped behind Pansy and brushed against Frank's groin. He rubbed up and down, and the crowd went wild. It took an intense amount of concentration for Frank not to screw up the next riff, and even then he started the next chord too early. The mistake was too slight for the audience to notice, but the next time there was a break in the lyrics, Gerard leaned over and shouted in his ear (he'd covered the microphone and no one else could hear over the sound of the band,) "A little excited, are we?"

Frank was breathing too hard to respond; why did this always happen? Why did Gerard have to tease him like that?

And why did he have to love it so fucking much?

"Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say..."

They started the next song, and Frank barely even noticed. At the end of 'Mama', Gerard had blown a kiss to the audience, and he was too busy being jealous of the screaming girls in the front row to pay any attention to the set they were playing; he was lucky the songs came to him like clockwork, so he didn't really have to pay attention. He just followed Ray's lead and Bob's beat, and all was well... except for the tease who just happened to be wiggling his ass at him right now.

Frank waited until the beginning of 'Teenagers', when he didn't have to play, and snuck up behind the lead singer. He swung Pansy behind his back and grabbed Gerard's hips, grinding them into his own. What Frank wasn't expecting, though, was for him to turn around, kissing Frank full on, tongues entwining and battling for dominance. Gerard pulled away, smirking, and leaving the guitarist breathless, mind swimming.

"They're gonna clean up your looks, with all the lies and the books, to make a citizen out of you..."

Somehow, Frank made it through the last three songs, the meet and greet, and an argument with Mikey about the danger of forks in toasters, all without jumping Gerard. But when they returned to the bus, he couldn't help but mutter, "You fucking tease," as he passed him on the way to the shower.

If he didn't know better, he could have sworn he saw the corners of the singer's mouth draw up in a smile.


Twenty minutes later, Frank was out of the shower, clean and rid of his...problem. He wore only flannel pants and a black beater, all his piercings removed. Bob, Ray, and Mikey had already hit the sack, stripping their costumes off and falling into their bunks as soon as the bus started rolling.

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