This Is Us

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"It's embarrassing," Frank states. Gerard rolls his head to the side on the pillow, enabling him to look at his friend's face. Frank's laying on his back facing the ceiling, and he grins, even though the subject of their conversation really isn't anything to grin about. Really.

Gerard looks up too, squirming against the soft, silky sheets on Frank's bed. He loves Frank's bed. It's so huge and soft, and he loves how they can watch movies and play videogames on it all night without any parental disturbance. Back home in his basement, there's no sign of a TV; the only bed in there is really teeny weeny and has tattered old Batman sheets which were totally cool when he was like, twelve, but now, at seventeen, totally aren't. Also, his mom has ears like a bat and their walls are super-thin so they can't even laugh loudly, which happens a lot when he's with Frank. He thinks it's the reason he spends so much time up here with him in the attic of the huge Iero house. The super-bed and videogames are just a bonus, because Frank is the coolest guy in the universe, his best friend for as long as he can remember and he would stay up here just with him anyway. Even if there was thin walls and annoying mothers here as well.

"Yeah. Yeah, it is," Gerard says, but he doesn't grin. "Do you think everybody knows?" He looks over at Frank with a concerned look.

"I don't really know," Frank shrugs. "I think they expect that we have, 'cause like, even some of the guys in the chess-club have and we're pretty....we've partied and stuff y'know? So, actually, I don't think they know." He looks at Gerard, who nods.

"Good. That's good." They both turn to face the ceiling and drift off into silence.

"Why though?" Frank exhales loudly and flails a little with his arms. Gerard jumps a little, 'cause he never gets used to Frank's little outbursts. "Fucking chess-club! And we haven't! Us! You and me!" Frank sits up and hovers over Gerard with a wild look on his face. "What's the fuck is wrong with us?"

Gerard is silent and sort of scared for a moment, watching Frank intently. And then he smiles.

"Because girls won't fuck guys who looks more girly than themselves?" He grins stupidly.

For a moment it looks like Frank is about to punch him, but then he just erupts into laughter and drops down on the mattress again, poking Gerard in the side with his elbow.

"That's so right! Oh my God!" Frank says before he sits up and leans over Gerard again. The serious look he's giving him is intimidating. "We should become more masculine."

"I don't know." Gerard shrugs and eyes the ceiling. He's silent for a while before he looks into Frank's eyes. "I'm not really interested, y'know?" He's concerned, especially when Frank's eyes widen like that.

"In sex?" Frank says, like he can't believe his own ears. Who doesn't want sex?

"No," Gerard says, his eyes more concerned and shifty than ever. "I'm interested in sex, I am. I'm just not interested in....I don't know. Girls?"

The following silence makes Gerard's knees start to shake slightly and he thinks fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck!

Until Frank grins and poke him again.

"I knew that," he snorts.

"You did?" Gerard's eyes are the ones to widen now.

"Yeah, of course. I thought we agreed on the queer thing ages ago," Frank smiles.

"You mean...?" Gerard's even more surprised than he was a few seconds ago, if possible.

"Yeah, you haven't noticed?" Frank says like it's nothing. Then they both begin to laugh madly, having to gasp for air for a while. "We're both such fags," he laughs.

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