Sunday Best

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Gerard was maybe more drunk than he thought. Which had to be a pretty bad thing, considering he was already having to squint one eye shut in order to aim while he took a piss. He felt fine - he felt fucking great, on top of the world. He flushed the toilet and went to look at himself in the bathroom mirror. He swayed forward, squinting - he was pretty sure he looked fine, too. He pushed his bangs out of his eyes with the palm of his hand, studied himself in the mirror for a second, tilting his chin up and pouting, before letting his hair flop back down and scratching at it 'til it was all in his face again. 

He was cool. He was good. He ran his hands under the cool water for a few seconds and was wiping them on his jeans when the door crashed open with a bang behind him. 

"Oh! Sorry!" Frank flashed him a grin, but didn't back out of the room. Gerard could hear the post-gig party going on loud and strong, raucous laughter cutting through the air in the handful of seconds before Frank swung the door shut.

"No, it's cool." Gerard stood there with his still-damp hands, realizing belatedly that he should probably have left while the door was still open. As a bathroom visit was usually a one-person operation. In his experience.

"I gotta piss," Frank said, unbuckling his belt. "Don't worry, you can keep -" he glanced at Gerard as he fumbled with the button at the top of his jeans. "Uh, doing whatever it was you were doing."

"Making faces in the mirror," Gerard confessed, leaning back against the sink. He'd splashed when he washed his hands, and now the seat of his jeans was wet, but he was at least being propped up, so that was okay. 

Frank giggled, high-pitched and - high. Pot giggle.

"You scored," Gerard said accusingly. "And you didn't share." Not that Gerard needed to be high as well as drunk. Although. Maybe he needed to be high as well as drunk. Maybe then he'd stop making faces in the mirror.

"I did!" Frank giggled again. He seemed to be having a really hard time undoing his jeans. He'd gotten good stuff. "I'll share, I'll share, just lemme - ah, got it."

Gerard watched, leaning against the sink and blinking slowly, as Frank sighed happily and peed. It was maybe weird that he was watching, but hey, he'd been here first. 

"Where'd Mikey get off to?" Frank asked.

"Hooked up, probably." Gerard shrugged. "It's why we get to stay here tonight."

"That brunette with the shiny top?" Frank asked, still peeing. He'd really had to go, Gerard guessed. It was kind of impressive.

"Yeah." Gerard chewed on his thumbnail. "And her boyfriend, I think."

Frank giggled again, and his jeans slipped down his ass a little bit. There was a hint of pink, and Gerard squinted, trying to bring his eyes into focus. Pink. Not even just like, regular pink, like oh, briefs got caught in with a red t-shirt pink. It was like, hot pink, bright, and - lacy. Lacy. Frank sighed again, his pee slowing down, and he wiggled his hips a tiny bit, his pants slipping down just enough more that Gerard could see the hot pink lace a little more clearly, stretched over Frank's ass, inside his ratty jeans, the ones with the knees ripped out and the stains all over. 

"Okay!" Frank hiked the denim up and Gerard bit his lip, watching as Frank buckled the heavy black belt he had on, cinching it tight and flushing the toilet. Frank turned around, beaming at him. "Let's hit the fridge, and head out back. I'll share. For you, I'll share." He stood there, very close in front of Gerard, sort of staring at him weirdly, and Gerard bit his lip harder, tried to think about something other than pink lace under denim. 

"Uh." Frank was holding his hands out. "Can I get in there?"

"Oh!" Gerard shifted out of the way. "Yeah, uh."

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