The Art Of Losing

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Franks hates wearing helmets. Somehow, they make him feel self-conscious about the size of his head. It’s almost as if he has a pumpkin, heavy and round, resting on his shoulders. His head isn’t particularly big though. It just feels bigger, now that his cheeks and chin are squeezed tight inside the tiny confined space of the helmet.

The fact that Ray managed to fit his entire fro inside the helmet boggles Frank’s mind more than it should. It shall remain one of the world’s greatest mysteries. Mikey looks mildly excited about the race and has finally put down his Blackberry which is another one of the world’s greatest mysteries. Mikey and his Blackberry rarely part ways.

Gerard bumps helmets with Frank before he climbs into his kart and he smiles. Frank doesn’t need to see the curve of his mouth under the helmet. It’s right there in Gerard’s eyes, behind the foggy visor. Frank smiles back and jumps behind the wheel of his kart.

For once, Frank doesn’t really care about wining. His plan is actually to bump into Gerard as much as possible and drive him off the track. He wants to lose the race and he wants Gerard to lose it with him so they can use the little time they have left together making out in the bathroom.

Ray, Bob and their friend Sanch are taking the whole thing too seriously for Frank’s taste. Bob leaves everyone behind on the first lap anyway. It’s probably because of the hours of practice he had on Mario Kart.

On the other end, Gerard drives like a grandpa. He slows down around the curbs and Frank bumps into him as hard as he can when they finish their first lap. Gerard glares at him through his helmet and Frank giggles.

“Cut it out, Frankie!” The sound of Gerard’s voice is muffled by the helmet and mostly covered by the sound of the engines but Gerard screams at the top of his lungs and uses his hands to make his point across, threatening to strangle Frank if he doesn’t stop his reckless driving.


They lose the race. Frank drives Gerard off the track on their second lap. He gets a few angry comments from Gerard on how Go-Kart isn’t like bumper cars at the fair but Frank blocks everything out and pushes Gerard towards the bathroom.

Gerard looks a little disappointed. Frank can tell by the way he pushes the door and sighs.

“You did it on purpose, you little asshole.” Gerard says, his helmet still on.

Frank doesn’t even want to answer. Gerard knows him and he knows how his brain works.

Gerard pushes all the doors open, checking if anyone is occupying one of the stalls before turning to Frank. He puts his hands on the helmet, starting to pull it up but Frank rushes towards him and pushes him into one of the empty stalls.

“Fuck.” Gerard protests as Frank shoves a hand into his pants, grabbing Gerard’s dick and struggling to pull Gerard’s pants down with his free hand.


Frank doesn’t wait. He yanks Gerard’s pants down and lets them drop to his ankle. His boxers follow closely after and Gerard stands there, against the wall, half naked with his helmet on.

Frank bumps his helmet into Gerard’s as he rubs against him.

“Frank, take that thing off.”

Frank doesn’t take his helmet off but pulls his pants down and grabs his own dick, squeezing and tugging it. He opens his visor and puts his helmet against Gerard’s.

Frank takes a deep breath as if he’s about to go underwater and grabs Gerard’s thighs and lift them up, pushing Gerard harder against the unlocked door. Gerard hooks his legs behind Frank’s back and grabs Frank’s shoulders, trying to keep his balance.

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