Nobody Likes You Anyway

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Frank heard a knock on the door and all at once his stomach filled with a mixture of excitement and dread. The emotions sloshed around in his stomach, refusing to mix like water and oil, perpetually churning against the walls of his insides. He had been waiting on the couch as soon as Gerard had said he was coming over, sitting inthe living room by the front door with childish glee. There was also another feeling. A feeling of envy and unnecissary hatred. Because Gerard wasn't the only one coming over.

He was bringing his girlfriend too.

Nobody is quite sure what makes this happen, but it always seems that when you get a significant other, you feel obliged to take them everywhere with you. Fucking everywhere. Of course, Gerard had hung out with Frank alone during the time he was in a relationship but that was only because he had been completely discreet about it. Once, his girlfriend found out they went to the movies together. She promptly bitched about how she wasn't invited. When she asked Gerard why he didn't care to tell her they were going, Frank immediately thought, Well, it's because nobody really likes you anyway while Gerard stuttered out an excuse.

Quite honestly, Frank was getting knd of sick of it. He was just a tad tired of her. Her name was Riva. To Frank is sounded kinda of like something you'd name a snake. She was definetely Gerard's type. Straight, black hair, a stripe of vibrant pink on both sides. Bright blue eyes that looked as though they were carved out of ice. She was thin and short and delicate looking. She wasn't that pretty. Well, she was. Actually, she was totally gorgeous. But not to Frank. To him, she looked like a witch. All he could see was distorted features, an ugliness that burned from the inside out.

He didn't like her at all.

Frank jumped up from his spot on the couch and hesitated before running to the door. He didn't want to seem too eager. When he opened the door, Gerard smiled at him, flashing those beautiful teeth. Those teeth that were almost completely straight except for the fact that his canines were slightly spaced away from the front four teeth. Frank swallowed.

"Hey, Frankie!" Gerard cheered, his bright golden-brown eyes lighting up as if someone had turned on a lamp behind them. Frank smiled and leaned into a hug.

"What's up, Frankie?" Riva chimed in. Her voice was small and child-like. Totally cute. Completely annoying. She batted long, mascara'd eyelashes at him. He gave a sideways, forced smile that felt plastic on his face.

"Oh, hey, Riva. Nothing really. Come in, guys." He didn't mean for the greeting to sound half-assed. It was just that his mood was instantly worsened whenever she was around. God /damn/, that bitch was irritating.

He lead the two to their living room. The room was small and square with couches against two of the walls, facing a coffee table and the TV. The light in the room was a dark sort of yellow in contrast with the gloomy sky outside. All in all, it was pretty cozy. Frank and Gerard usually spent their time in either this room or Frank's, which was upstairs.

Frank knelt down to open the cabinet of DVDs by the TV, feeling his tight jeans stretch against his legs as he sat.

"So, what do you guys wanna watch?" He asked, not turning around to look at them. They were probably holding hands or kissing or something. Ew. "We have like...everything in the /world/." Gerard laughed and, surprisingly, knelt down next to Frank, leaving Riva standing behind them. Frank tongued his lip ring.

"Let's watch something scary!" Riva said, lowering her voice as if to sound sinister. Something about it was just extremely irritating. It was as though she was trying to be dark or something. Whatever. She was just annoying all around. He didn't see how Gerard could stand her.

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