"Is It Possible To See Someone Think?"

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We were laying in the grass, looking up at the stars. The moon was no more than a small slither of light.The street lights were turned on.

The blades of grass tickled the sides of my neck as the cool autumn breeze blew them gently.Every now and then, I would sneak quick glances of him.



I would give every star in the sky to Frankie. I would run around the world and back for him. If he wanted something, I would get it for him.

Do you know why?

Because I love him. I love him dearly. I love him in a way I'm not supposed to.

Yes. Frankie loves me, but not like I love him.

I'm his best friend. I'm his only friend and vise versa. We are alone in this thing people call 'reality'.

We have our families, but his family just doesn't love him like mine love me. Not the way a family should, and that's why he turns to me. He always has and I've grown to take care of him when he needs it. I know he hates being taken care of, but everyone needs it sometimes. In his case, more than others. And it's not his fault. I honestly don't mind. If he asks, he will get it. That's why he doesn't know my feelings. He wants a best friend, and that's what he's got.

But if I could have him for my own, I would be the happiest person alive.

The wind blew harder, making my hair blow rapidly.

"It's getting kinda cold." came that flawless voice.

"Do you want to go inside?"

"No not yet."

"Then do you want my jacket? You're not wearing one. Here."

I sat up and slipped my hoodie over my head and handed it to him, not waiting for him to object.

"You sure?"

"Yeah go ahead."

"Thanks Gee."

"No problem."

He smiled sheepishly.


I always try to give him what he wants. Whatever makes him happy. It's usually just me offering things. He never asks for anything. He's so shy about it and I find it extremely cute, yet heart-breaking because at home, he's always the one getting things for others.

He pulled my hoodie over his head, and straightened it out.

We laid back down on our backs.

The cold air hit my arms. It was pretty cold. He must have been freezing, but I don't mind the cold. He gets cold and sick very easily.

I glanced over his way. His eyes flickered across the sky of endless stars. His pale cheeks were flushed. His full, pink lips were slightly parted. He let out a deep sigh.


He turned his head to face me. I was immediately captivated by his gorgeous, green eyes.

"Just thinking."

"Bout what?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing and everything."

"Oh... Wanna talk?"

"Can I ask you something?"


I turned on my side and leaned on my right elbow. Frankie was still on his back.

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