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Fun Ghoul stood under the water, trying to wash it all away. The things Gerard- no, the things Party Poison made him do left him feeling disgusted. He doubted Gerard even existed anymore. It was all Poison. Hell, Ghoul doubted Frank even existed anymore. It wasn't the same anymore. Nothing was. And an experience with Poison was always dangerous. This time had been zero different.

"Party, I'm not sure about this.." Frank had said just a little while earlier.

"C'mon, Ghoul, everything will be fine. It won't hurt. Just relax. If you tense up it might get ugly though. Just do it."

Ghoul closed his eyes, the memory still insanely fresh.

Ghoul was shaking as he did it, running the long barrel of the ray gun between Poison's splayed cheeks as he was bent over on his hands and knees, spread out and naked on the bed. He didn't watch Poison as he aimed the end of the gun at his opening, pushing the barrel inside.

"Fuck.. now, uhm.. fuck me with it.. don't tense.. if you tense you'll kill me.. pull the trigger.. and I'll be gone.."

Ghoul's hand trembled on the gun. He hated doing this. He wanted to scream at him why was he making him do this with a fucking laser, ray gun, whatever, and his finger on the fucking trigger!

"Do it, Ghoul.." Poison growled dangerously, staring forward and that atomic red hair falling in thick strands in his face.

Ghoul took a deep breath, placing a hand on the small of Poison's back as he twisted it and pulled out some. Poison had made sure to lube himself a bit a head of time, but most of that wiped off with other sweat and activity. He started to thrust the barrel of the gun in and out of Poison's hole, watching his pucker clinch and grasp at it.

"Ah, fuck yeah.. ah, shit.. that's good.. It'd be so easy, Ghoul.. but I trust you.. ohhh, fuck.." Poison gripped the sheets, rocking his hips back into the gun buried inside him, the ridged edge on the top digging at his inner walls. The opening of the barrel brushed his prostate and he whimpered, arching his back and reaching for his dick with a gloved hand, the brown leather feeling so nice on his skin.

Ghoul felt like a pervert for watching him jack himself off. Those long fingers pumping his cock as Ghoul plunged the gun in and out of him, Poison writhing and letting little gasped moans and cries escape him, his hair shaking about.

"Fuck, harder.. oh, Frankie Frankie... uhh'nhhhh.. god.." Poison shook as he released, back curved, toes curling.

Ghoul's heart clinched at hearing his name in a moment of such vulnerable passion. He removed his finger from the trigger and pulled the gun out, dropping it on the bed as Poison collapsed forward in his own cum. Half-lidded hazel eyes watched Ghoul as he left the room without a word. The owner panting and fingers twisting the sheets.

Ghoul was startled when Poison invited himself in the shower. "Party, what..?"

Poison looked at him, and for the first time, he looked like Gerard Way again and not Party Poison, leader of the Killjoys. He looked so broken. He stood under the water, his hair getting wet and the cherry red hair dye running down his pale skin and swirling away with the water down the drain. It kind of looked like blood to Frank. But not like real blood, more like the fake blood in the really cheap ass horror movies that always looked more like ketchup or red candle wax than it did blood. Those big ole eyes looked away from Frank and Poison wrapped his arms around himself before he gazed back.

"M'sorry, Frank.. m'so sorry.." And his arms wrapped around Frank this time, burying his head in Frank's neck for comfort.

Ghoul- or Frank- sighed and held Gerard close, fingers reaching up to stroke that wet red hair. He'd often hoped his Gerard would come back. Gerard, the singer, the artist. His beautiful, messed up, creative, wonderful Gerard.

"So many after me.. after us.. Get confused.. don't know.. need to know I can trust you always.. you'd never hurt me, Frankie.. so many want me dead. You'd never.. no matter how much I.." Gerard swallowed and his eyes narrowed to slits before closing the rest of the way. It was always a test. A deadly game. He knew Frank could kill him so easily.. but he knew Frank would never betray him.

"Never. I'd never." Frank kissed his temple and they stayed like that for the longest till Frank pushed away, soaping up a rag and washing Gerard off, running it along his skin and just enjoying seeing the drops of water trailing down his flesh and the soap suds running away under the water.

Gerard grabbed the rag and turned it on Frank, running it along the tattoos and taut skin. And this felt nice, just being together and not a single worry for at least a second. Frank felt Gerard wrap the rag around his cock, stroking up and down in a more obscene way than just washing and he giggled as Frank groaned and arched on his toes. Maybe if it was Poison, Ghoul would feel molested and uneasy. But he was Frank and Gerard was Gerard and he leaned forward to kiss those smiling lips, sucking at them as he thrust his hips into Gerard's hand, soon exploding into the rag and seeing those stars dance behind his eyes and tasting the sweetness of Gerard as he moaned into his mouth.

Later Frank watched as Gerard propped a leg up on the side of the tub, using a tattered towel to dry off. Gerard's damp hair fell down in wet strands and Frank smiled, enjoying this. Gerard would after all leave this bathroom and have to become Party Poison again.

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