Only In My Dreams - Part 2

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“Wow. I would never have guessed Frank and Gerard would ever get together like that,” Mikey said before eating a spoonful of cereal.

“Yeah, but don’t you think it’s kind of weird? I mean, Gerard is your brother and all. Are you okay with this?” Bob asked in a concerned voice. He knew the bassist wasn’t homophobic, considering Gerard and Frank would kiss on stage to keep ignorant people like that away. The drummer was just curious as to how Mike would feel, since it was his older brother they were dealing with. Some people’s opinions change when the issue hits close to home. He hoped Mikey would not be one of those hypocritical people, he really did. 

“Yep, I’m cool,” answered Mikey after he finished swallowing. Bob let out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding. “I want Gee to be happy, and I know being with Frank will make that happen. Besides, I kind of knew he had a thing for Frankie.” 

“How is that?” Ray interjected, now paying attention to the conversation with interest. How did Mike pick up on something that he and Bob had not? Was it his connection to his brother? 

“Well…” he started, pausing for suspense. His audience of two was hanging on his every word. Mike smiled at the power he had over them for the moment. “One night a while ago, I was walking by Gerard’s room to use the bathroom and overheard something…”

“What was it? You’re killing us with this stalling, man!” complained Ray when Mikey trailed off again. He was desperate to find out the dirt on Gerard. The way Mike was telling the story, it had to be good. 

“Alright, alright. He was jacking off very loudly that night. I normally wouldn’t stay to listen- Hey, come on, that’s just twisted! I don’t listen to my brother get off for my own pleasure!” he shouted after receiving skeptical looks from his band mates. The two nodded, believing him, or at least feigning agreement so he would continue. “Anyway, the reason I stopped was because I couldn’t understand what he was moaning. They were not random noises from the heat of the moment, but a word; a name to be precise. I had to know who. I pressed my ear against the door to listen more clearly, and guess whose name he yelled?”

“Oh, my god. Don’t tell me,” Bob said.

“Uh huh. The next day when Gerard was out, I went snooping around his room and found a picture of Frankie underneath his mattress. I wonder what that was doing there. A visual, perhaps?” the bassist laughed. “I didn’t seem him doing anything with it. I was behind the door, remember. I’m only guessing, but with that and the recent turn of events, I think I was right.”

“So… Gerard was masturbating to a picture of Frank? I wish you could have gotten that on tape. Now that’s blackmail at its finest,” Ray commented, taking a bite out of his breakfast bar. 

“Black mail or porn. Either one will do,” the bassist chuckled at his own joke. 

“Did he ever find out you heard him doing that?” asked the blonde drummer.

“No, I put everything in his room back in its place and he didn’t say anything about it. I’m surprised it took them this long to get together. I wasn’t sure if Frank liked him that way or not, but last night was answer enough… I thought Gee would be elated after Frank called his name. I suppose he didn’t want us to know, then.”

“Probably,” said Ray. There was a short silence until he broke it. “What do you think they are up to now?”

Another silence fell upon the trio, the question hanging over their heads. Bob was absently running his finger along the rim of his coffee mug. The lead guitarist took another bite of his cereal bar, the crunching sound filling the air. 

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