Tragic Cigarette

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Gerard slumped down against the cold cement wall beside the exit, lighting up a cigarette. He took a long drag and exhaled the dark smoke. The door next to him opened quickly making him jump. It revealed Frank, a new employee at Gerard's workplace, a local coffee shop not too far from his home.

"Fuck me, right?!" Frank exclaimed, showing off his now coffee stained shirt.

"Spilled on yourself again?" Gerard asked calmly from the ground.

Frank just groaned, pushing his long bangs out of his face. "I just can't used to making coffee for other people, especially when I have to do it so God damn quickly!"

Gerard watched Frank pout through his peripheral vision.

"You wanna hang out tonight after our shift? Ya' know, to get your mind off this craptastic job..." Gerard asked shyly.

"Hmm... As long as you have some cancer sticks..." Frank laughed displaying his empty pack.

"Cool..." Gerard said with a smile, handing Frank a cigarette and his lighter.

Little did Frank know that Gerard has had a crush on him since his senior year of high school 4 years ago. Frank on the other hand was a little creeped out by Gerard. All through his Freshman year when he would hang out with Mikey Way, his older brother Gerard would always linger around them. Frank would do all he could to hang out with Mikey away from his & Gerard's house. Gerard was so obsessed with death and was always drawing. He never talked to anyone besides his brother and he lived in the basement for fuck's sake! He didn't really know why he accepted the invitation. Maybe because of his deep love for nicotine. It definatly wasn't because Gerard was interesting. He was still as weird as the day he'd met him.

Gerard took one last puff before dying the butt out on the pavement.

"See ya' inside..." Gerard said, before going back inside.

Frank milked the smoke for all it was worth, savoring it's deliciously intoxicating taste. He was down to the filter way to quickly, and squashed it under his foot and reentered the building. Who the fuck even drank coffee at almost 10 o'clock at night? Frank asked himself just as he saw Gerard standing behind the counter, sipping down a extra large one. Frank rolled his eyes with a smile and got to work on an order of a mocha cappachino. He sucessfully made it and took the money from the woman who ordered it & told her 'have a nice night'. Frank eagerly watched the minute hand creep up on the 12, declaring it was 10 o'clock- the end of Frank & Gerard's shift. He ripped of his apron and jumped up and down.

"FINALLY!" He exlaimed. He looked over to see Gerard calmly untie his apron and hang it on a hook by the door.

"Go wait outside while I lock up." He told Frank with a smile.

Frank did as he was told and stood waiting by Gerard's black van with tinted windows. Frank jumped up and down, trying to keep warm. Gerard came out quickly and unlocked the car door. Frank glanced at his green Honda Civic,

"Awh shit, what about my car?" he asked.

"Leave it here, you can get it later. I don't live too far, but you know that don't you..." Gerard told him with a laugh, getting in the car, turning it on, and buckling his seat belt. Frank followed suit and got quiet since he remember he was in the car of a guy who creeped him out.

"So I was thinking we could like watch the classic Frankenstein at my place & shoot the shit." Gerard offered.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, that sounds cool man." Frank answered half heartedly from the passenger seat. Thankfully they got there quickly. Frank followed Gerard in to be greeted by Mikey.

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