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Valentine's Day

Probably the sickest, most vile holiday ever thought of. Ever. I mean, not everyone has someone. Someone they could kiss and hug. Someone they could give horrible tasting chocolates and cheesy valentines cards to... Someone they could exchange "I love you's" with.

Yeah, they always leave out the bisexual guy that wears eyeliner and eye shadow. The guy who wears jeans that cling to his legs and shirts that have band names on them that no one has even heard of. The sixteen year old boy who wears one glove on his right hand and has HALLOWEEN tattooed across his knuckles. Well, that unlucky guy just so happens to be me.

Yeah, me. Probably the only person on the entire face of the planet that's alone on this unpleasant day. And I mean literally, alone. Not even my own mother is here. She's off on some date with a guy I don't even know. How bad is that?

A mother can't spend a holiday with her only son? I don't blame her; I wouldn't want to spend a whole day with some weirdo freak loser that should probably have been out getting laid today. Who would?

I just want this day to be over so I can continue with my sad excuse of a life. Not that I want to. I'm most likely going to end up dropping out of High School. My mom's going to abandon me and I'm going to end up on the streets while she winds up marrying some rich bastard. I'll be one the side of the road begging for money while she passes by in her 30,00 dollar convertible. I'll die old and alone in my own shit and piss. See? I have my life already planned out. Fantastic, isn't it?


"What the hell?"

I got up from the couch and walked over to the door, peeking out the peephole to make sure there were no guys waiting to beat the fuck out of me. There was no one so I opened the door, instinctively looking both ways, no one. I was closing the door when something caught my eye.

There on the mat was a red box, laced with a frilly pink ribbon on the edges and "I Love You" written in cursive smack in the middle in black. Placed conveniently beside it was a red envelope, my name written small and tiny in the middle.

"You've gotta be kidding me"

I picked up the box, shaking it first, making sure no rabid rodent was going to jump up at me when I opened it. All I heard was shuffling and crinkling of paper. I placed the box between my arm and my body as I carefully opened the letter, holding the envelope in my mouth as I opened the card.

I've been admiring you from afar,

You've left my heart a painful scar,

Because I know you are the one,

One thing that cannot be undone,

I fear I am in love with you,

Do you think you love me too?

I only wish for you to think,

May our hearts beat in sync?

Will you be my Valentine, Frank Iero?

I held the card in my hands, reading the poem over and over, the lines embedding themselves into my memory. This has got to be a joke. There is no other way. Not even a possibility. I leant against the frame of the doorway, an innocent smile playing at the corners of my lips. Even though it was a disgusting, mocking prank card, I didn't care, someone actually took the time and effort to do this.

Someone wasted their time drawing amazing little hearts around the edges of the card, and I mean hearts not the stupid fake kind, actual hearts. Each one was different from the other and was detailed beautifully. Someone wrote me a poem, a poem, which I thought, was sweet. Someone actually made me want to love another human. If only that card were the real thing.

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