Pretentious Little Punks With Lip Rings - Part 8

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Gerard woke up on saturday morning to the sound of rain dripping down his window. It must have been pretty late, since he hadn't exactly gone to sleep early last night. He sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, looking out distastefully at the lashing rain. Great start to a saturday morning. But then he remembered that he was meeting up with Frank today, Frank, who'd came to his house at 3 in the morning and actually liked him back. At least, he hoped it wasn't just a dream.

Gerard grabbed his phone and went downstairs for breakfast. Frank had said he'd call, so Gerard brought his phone with him everywhere he went. Just in case. Mikey spotted him eyeing it every ten seconds, and raised an eyebrow curiously. Gerard shook his head and mouthed later, then continued eating. He was just cleaning up when his phone rang, and he almost dropped everything he was carrying as he rushed to pick it up.

"Important call?" his mom asked. He was already halfway up the stairs and barely heard her.

He closed the door behind him when he was safely in his room, and pressed the phone to his ear.


"Hey, it's Frank."

As if he didn't have caller ID. "Oh, hey Frank." Gerard tried to sound casual.

"I didn't wake you up, did I?"

"No, no... I've been up for a while."

"Ok, good." He paused. "So, uhh... Last night..."

Gerard lay down on his bed, chewing on his lip nervously. So it hadn't been a dream. "Yeah, last night... You still have my essay by the way."

Frank laughed softly. "Do you want it back?"

"Not really... Keep it if you want."

"Thanks... I think I will. Just as, y'know, a memory." Gerard could practically hear him blushing through the phone. "So, anyway... What happened last night-are we... I mean, are we dating?"

Gerard hadn't really thought about it... "Well, yeah, I guess... Neither of us really asked the other out, but we don't necessarily have to, do we?"

Frank stayed silent for a moment. Then: "Gerard?"


"Will you go out with me?"

"Well yeah, o-of course--" Gerard spluttered.

"I just wanted to make it... Official, or something."

"Oh! O-ok..." Man this was an awkward conversation. "So, uh, you wanted to meet up today?"

"Yeah... My parents are out today, you could come round and we could watch movies and stuff, or something."

Or something. Holy crap, alone with Frank in his house? "Yeah, sure. What time?" If Gerard's voice was starting to sound slightly high-pitched it was pure coincidence.

"Anytime. I'll be here all day so... Come whenever."

"Ok, I think I can probably be there in like an hour or so."

"Cool. Oh, and one more thing?"


"Your voice sounds really high pitched when you're nervous."

Gerard rolled his eyes, even though Frank couldn't see it. "Goodbye Frank."

"Bye, Gee."

Gerard smiled as Frank giggled and hung up. Frank Iero, 17 year old boy or 14 year old girl?

Gerard got dressed as quickly as he could, but he actually made an effort this time. He even put eyeliner on for the first time in ages. When he finally felt like he must look somewhat presentable, he went over to Mikey's bedroom and knocked on his door.

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