Tell Me I'm A Bad Man

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I took the guitar and put the strap over my head. I was ready for another show. I didn't want to admit it, but I was getting almost very bored with going on stage almost every single night. I was exhausted, and playing the same songs over and over again in the same order was really starting to piss me off.

The reason I said I was getting almost very bored was because of the simple fact that there was one thing that had been going on almost every night that really excited me about going on stage. In fact, if it weren't for that, I probably wouldn't want to go on stage at all.

"We're ready to go on!" called Gerard.

"Okay, my love," I muttered, not meaning for Gerard to hear.

"What was that?" Gerard asked, appearing at the doorway.

"Nothing," I said.

"Oh. I thought you said something."

I blushed as Gerard and I went backstage, ready to go on.

I walked behind him, and took advantage of that greatly, staring at the most amazing ass I had ever seen. While he was walking it looked even better...

"Frankie!" yelled someone behind me.

I turned around to see Ray.

"Hi, Toro-saurus," I said, hoping my use of his nickname would distract him if in fact he caught me staring at Gerard's ass.

Ray just looked at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked.

Ray just stood there still with a goofy smile on his face.

"WHAT?" I demanded. "I don't want to get screamed at for missing my part because I come-out late!"

"Well, speaking of /coming out/..." started Ray.

My face got hot and I started to walk away, but Ray grabbed my shoulder.

"We are going to be late!" I said.

"No we won't. We always go back stage earlier than we need to," said Ray. "So...I have always wanted to know what attracted people to Gerard so much. I was hoping you could fill me in."

"RAY! What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh come on Frankie! Everyone with eyes can tell that you are in love with Gerard! You love it when he kisses you on stage! I was watching you last night. When he kissed you, your arms swung around him faster than George Bush's arm would swing around Tony Blair."

"I didn't know you were into politics."

"It was a Lil' Bush reference." explained Ray.

"Really? How is that show? I was going to watch it the other night but-".

"Don't even think about changing the subject. Frankie, just tell Gerard how you feel. I'm sure he feels the same way for you."

I sighed.

"Ray, you don't understand," I said. "He just does it because he gets just as bored as I do on stage. He told me that, sort of. He said he gets bored, and I told him I do too, and so he tries to make it interesting by kissing and stuff. Plus, he just broke-up with someone and needs love."

"Frankie, that's not true, and you know it." said Ray.

"Yeah I do!" I protested. "Well answer me this. Why doesn't he make-out with you? Huh? Or Bob, or Matt?"

"I don't know. Why doesn't he?"

I couldn't tell if Ray was being sarcastic or not.

"It's because he likes /you/!" said Ray. "You are the only one who doesn't see it! All these years he has allowed you to sit on his lap, kiss him, touch him...All that good stuff. He does it to you, too."

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