It's A Tradition

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"New Years Eve, baby," Mikey cried, "I swear, this is the best excuse to get drunk ever invented."

Gerard looked up to the doorway from his seated position on the couch. He just grinned and shook his head.

"I'm serious," Mikey continued, "You can't not drink on New Years Eve, its tradition."

"Traditions are lame," Ray stated, as he, Bob and Frank entered the room.

Mikey gasped in mock horror and pouted. Gerard rolled his eyes, still grinning, and stayed silent.

"Well I, for one, happen to love traditions," Frank stated, letting himself fall onto the couch next to Gerard.

"Such as?" Ray prompted.

"The good luck kiss at midnight," Frank smirked.

Mikey scoffed, "Been there, done that."

"Same here," Bob said dismissively.

"Well yeah, duh, so have I," Frank pouted, "But it's tradition."

"Now all we need to do is find you a nice, drunk girl to make out with as we ring in the new year in style," Ray laughed, then punched the air in victory, "Dude, I still can not believe the year is over."

"It's exactly the same as last year," Mikey pointed out.

Frank looked at Gerard, noticing his silence, and nudged him lightly, "You okay?"

Gerard looked up and smiled, "Never better, why?"

Frank merely shrugged, then said, "So, what about your New Years traditions?"

"I don't really have any," Gerard admitted.

"What?" Frank gasped, "Not even the midnight kiss?"

"I've never had anyone to kiss," Gerard said softly.

"Oh dude, we'll have to change that," Bob said excitedly.

"Indeed we will," Ray agreed, "And I know the perfect girl to hook you up with."

Gerard scoffed, and Frank raised an eyebrow, to which Gerard just smirked and shrugged, making Frank laugh.

"What?" Mikey asked, completely confused.

Frank returned Gerard' smirk, never breaking eye contact while replying, "Oh nothing, nothing at all."

"Dude," Bob cried, "You guys just totally had a best friend's telepathic moment, didn't you?"

Frank and Gerard looked at each other, before Frank shifted so his arm was hanging over the back of the couch, "What are you talking about?"

"You just did it again!" Ray shuddered.

"You mean looking at each other?" Frank frowned.

"Yeah, but you're like, reading each other's expressions and speaking without words," Bob pointed out, "it's like you're an old married couple."

Gerard scoffed again, and Frank burst into laughter, "Bob, most normal people can read other people's emotions. It's normal human behaviour."

"Whatever, I'm going to get a drink," Bob sighed, and followed Mikey into the kitchen.

Ray glanced at the pair, before dashing off as well. Frank swiveled so he was sitting on the lounge properly again.

"Married?" he questioned, looking at Gerard sceptically to see if his friend found the notion as ridiculous as he did.

Gerard overdramatically pouted his lower lip and winked. Again, Frank laughed, and from the kitchen Mikey yelled, "Stop that!"


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