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Ray shuts the last empty pizza box and tosses it onto the pile on the table. "Pizza's clocked, and I'm fuckin' tired. I call the bed by the heater!"

Frank snorts. "Dude, nobody else wants to sleep near that thing – it's the actual loudest thing on the planet."

Ray stands up slowly, stretching his arms up and grazing his fingertips on the ceiling. "I like the white noise."

"Whatever, man. You just like it 'cause it covers up the sounds when you're jerking off."

Ray grins. "And I'm sure Mikey and Otter will appreciate that."

Mikey and Otter give him simultaneous looks of disgust. Well, Otter does. Frank can sort of tell that Mikey's disgusted by the way his eyebrows move down slightly and his mouth opens a little. But wait – if Mikey and Otter were sharing with Ray, then... "Hey wait a sec. Who decided that Gee and I were sharing the single?"

"You're the smallest. It just makes sense." Otter stands up too, smirking down at Frank. "You midgets gotta stick together." He heads into the bathroom, closing the door just in time to avoid being hit by a Frank-powered projectile.

Gerard finally looks up from his sketchpad, frowning up at the bathroom door and then at Ray. "Hey – I'm not a midget! I'm way taller than Tiny Tim over here." He gestures towards Frank with his Sharpie.

Frank decides that this would be a fabulous time to sit on Gerard's head.

"Ow, Frank, what the fuck! Frank, no! Stop! My sketchbook!" Gerard flails around as Frank sits up triumphantly, his ass smushing Gerard's face into the cheap, shiny coverlet on the bed.

Gerard continues to make noises about his sketchbook, so Frank finally leans forward and grabs it and hands it over to Mikey. "Jesus, Gee. It's fine. Mikey has it. Now, who the 


 are you calling Tiny Tim?"

"Frank, get off me, I'm serious!" Gerard shoves at Frank's thigh until he topples off of him onto the bed. "I'm 


, okay. Jeez. I mean, you're the tiniest human alive – what do you expect?"

Frank reaches over and messes up Gerard's already ridiculous hair. He'd mostly just wanted to do 


 with all the energy he had. They'd been driving for a day and a half and were only partway to the next tour stop. He always felt like he was going to shake out of his skin on nights when they didn't have shows. He needs to settle the fuck 



Mikey stands up then, looking around the room. "Yeah, so. I'm gonna go meet a friend of mine. Have a good night."

Ray lies down on the bed by the heater, spreading his limbs out wide. "Dude, how do you have a friend here already? We've been in town like two hours."

"What. She works at the House of Pizza. She asked if I wanted to hang out after her shift."

Frank shakes his head. Mikey, man. "Have fun. Be safe and all that shit." He giggles when Mikey throws Gerard's Sharpie at his head. It glances off his hair and plops down onto Gerard's chest. Gerard reaches up absent-mindedly and closes his fingers around it, as though he'd meant to put it there all along.

Mikey looks over at Ray. "What time do I need to be back tomorrow?"

"I think we're another six hours from Buffalo, still," says Ray. "So, we don't have to leave 'til like eleven?"

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