103 - Part 1

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Ugh. I hate that dog. Goddammit, why does she even sleep in the bed? I mean, I love her to death, but she’s a husky for Christ’s sake! Well, she’s only a puppy, and Gerard had made the sweetest face when he begged me to let her sleep with us. But that’s not the point. The point is I’m sleeping and she will. not. stop. squirming. I sigh and look over at the clock. 2:13 in the morning. God. Why am I awake? Better yet, why is the stupid dog awake? She’s so damn lucky I love her. 

“Sleep, Sadie.”

But she just yips at the sound of her name and bustles out from under the covers. Okay… commands don’t apply before sunrise I guess. I know she has to go out but it’s freezing outside and I am making no move to get out of bed. Maybe I’ll just let her piss on the carpet again.

“Frank, can you please take your dog out?” Gerard rasps beside me.

My dog? MY DOG?! It’s his dog! He’s the one who bought it! (For me… for my birthday).

“Just ignore her, she’ll shut up.” I argue, closing my eyes.

“If she shits on the rug you’re cleaning it up.” He mutters before coughing deeply and turning onto his side.

Fair enough, but that still doesn’t mean I’m gonna get up and do anything about it. Gerard coughs again and I think he even mumbles a ‘chop, chop’ as he turns onto his side. “Frank. Dog. Now,” he says before tossing the comforter over his head. I frown and jab at his shoulder, but he just groans and grinds his head into the pillow. 

“Asshole,” I mutter, throwing the sheets off my legs in the most obnoxious way possible.

Sadie yips again, looking at me with big blue eyes. She pads over to me, nudging my bare shoulder with her cold nose. I flinch and sit up straighter, sighing and running a hand over her back. Puppies are so soft and warm, like hyperactive cashmere sweaters that knock over all the garbage cans when you’re not home.

“Do you need to go outside, Sadie?” I ask softly.

The dog whimpers and jumps down off the bed, running over to our door and pushing it open with her forepaws. I slip out of the bed, tugging on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt before walking out into the living room, where Sadie is sitting patiently at the door, her tail thumping against the floor with excitement. 

“Hurry up and piss.” 

I open the front door, and watch the dog take off into the darkness. I yawn and rub my fists into my eyes, stretching a bit before slumping over against the door frame. Stupid dog. Stupid winter time. Why am I out of bed? Oh, right, stupid Gerard. It’s not long before she’s back inside, shaking off a layer of dew from her coat. She stays close to my heels as I walk back into the bedroom, bounding up onto the mattress before I even close the door. She goes to Gerard’s side first, pressing her nose to his neck until he turns over and starts cuddling up to her.

“Did Sadie go outside like a good little girl?” he asks softly, voice hitching.

I look up from tugging off the sweatshirt and over at the bed. Gerard makes a face before coughing roughly, leaving him gasping for air. I frown and go over to the bed. “You don’t sound good. Are you okay?”

I crawl back under the covers, pulling him into me. I put my hand against his cheek, huffing a little at the hot skin beneath. He nods, though and pulls his face away. He tries to cover up another coughing fit, but he just sputters and clasps his hands awkwardly over his face. 

“I think it’s just a flu, I’ll be fine.” His voice is already scratchy, fuck.

And ‘Fine’ my ass. Last time he said he felt fine he was walking on a nearly broken ankle for 5 hours before telling anyone about it. I push some of the hair from his eyes, staring into his foggy irises. He blinks tiredly, and even in the dim lighting of our bedroom, I can tell he’s getting sick. 

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