Suit Up

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Frank’s fingers slid up Gerard’s thigh, barely touching the fabric of his suit trousers so that Gerard could hardly feel the touch at all. The older man was doing up his tie, attempting a Windsor knot whilst trying his hardest to ignore Frank.

“I can tell you want me.” The guitarist purred, delighting in the blush that spread across the singer’s face. “And I want you too.” He whispered, his hand ghosting further up Gerard’s thigh to toy with the fabric of his trousers. 

“Frankie...” Gerard whispered, whining a little bit as he tried to gently kick Frank away but the younger man was insistent. “We don’t have time for this...”

“Sure we do.” Frank smirked. “I can be quick.” He leant up to press a delicate, butterfly kiss to Gerard’s lips, the older man sighing in spite of himself.

“The wedding is in an hour.” He reminded Frank quietly, though he still pouted back against Frank’s warm lips, his hands slipping away from his tie and coming up to rest on Frank’s biceps instead. “I... Mm... Mikey will kill me if... If I’m late...” He sighed, Frank smirking as he moved closer to him.

“I won’t let you be late.” He promised softly, pressing his body to Gerard’s, standing between his legs as he stood at the side of the bed Gerard was sat on. He slid his hands up the sides of Gerard’s neck and into his hair, working his fingers through the dark locks and tugging gently as Gerard groaned. Now that Frank had promised not to let him be late to his brother’s wedding, he was more than happy to relax and let the guitarist have his way.

Frank smirked softly and coaxed Gerard’s lips apart with his own, kissing him passionately but slowly before he began to trace his tongue along Gerard’s lower lip. The singer sighed and tentatively moved his own tongue to touch against Frank’s as it slid into his mouth, making his blood run hot and his breathing grow heavy. Whenever Frank kissed him it made him feel like a teenager again, and even now he was middle aged he could still get hard from kissing alone.

Frank rubbed his tongue against Gerard’s for a moment, stealing a taste of coffee and cigarettes before he moved his tongue back and continued to just suckle against Gerard’s lips. The singer was by now leaning back on his elbows, tie half complete and shirt half buttoned up as he spreads his legs in the hope Frank’s body would slot more against his and create some friction. 

Sensing that the older man was getting more worked up Frank began to slide his hand up his thigh again. He could feel that the fabric of the trousers was clinging tighter to Gerard’s legs, and he knew it was because of the erection straining inside.

“Mm... You always get hard so quick Gee.” Frank purred into Gerard’s mouth, one hand still deep in the other mans hair, pulling and tangling through the locks. “I love that.” He growled, Gerard only blushing as Frank’s hand on his thigh moved higher still and cupped the bulge in his pants.

“Oh...” Gerard gasped, Frank kissing him with more hunger for a second before pulling back completely, Gerard’s lips still pouted as Frank looked down at Gerard’s groin where his hand was eagerly rubbing over his erection through the fabric. 

Frank loved seeing Gerard in suits, but he loved seeing him get hard in them even more. Whenever Gerard got hard in jeans the restricting denim revealed the outline of his erection, but in suit pants the fabric was loose enough that it tented instead and Frank loved that. He loved to see how obvious it was that his partner was turned on.

“We gotta be quick right?” Frank smirked as he began to tug the zipper down on Gerard’s pants, the singer looking at him through hazy eyes as he nodded. “You better hurry up and fuck me then.” Frank smirked, leaning up to kiss Gerard again before he moved his hand away and began to shimmy out of his own clothes. He hadn’t bothered putting his own suit on yet, knowing what he wanted before hand, so he simply threw his jeans and shirt aside before crawling onto the bed as Gerard nodded and got to his feet.

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