Chapter 1: Middle of Fourth Year

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I was in the library studying Charms with Lily. When an idiot runs in, grinning madly.

"Hello future wife," James says painting leaning on the table.

Lily rolls her eyes not looking up from her book, "In your dreams Potter."

"You know it," He replies smuggle before grabbing me by the arm and pulling me to the corner of the library with Remus, Sirius, and Peter. I sigh and look at a giddy James, "What the hell do you want James, I was studying."

Sirius rolls his eyes, "Kenzie your too serious. You're going to turn out like Remus."

"Hurtful," Remus mutters.

"What do you boys want?" I say exasperatedly.

"Given your brilliant amount of knowledge you have on transfiguration I was wondering if you could help us. Do you know anything about becoming and animagus?" Sirius asks

I stare at them open mouthed, "Uh yea. Why?"

Remus widgets before whispering, "I'm a werewolf."

I roll my eyes, "Duh. I've known that since like second year."

All of them sputter dumbfounded before Remus spits out,"How?"

"Oh it was easy. I just tracked the moon partners, matched with you illness and disappearances, not to mention the scrapes and scratches after. I put the pieces of the puzzle together." I shrug.

After the recover from the shock of my brilliance James speaks, "The boys and I. We want to help Remus during,'his time of the month' so we may have become unregistered Animagus."

I hit Sirius, "Is that why you wouldn't talk at all in May of last year. Your stupid vow of silence was you trying to become animagus!"

"OW!" Sirius whines.

"Well it looks like you already did the steps why the hell do you need me for?" I ask.

They explain to me they wanted me to watch them transform for the first time. To make sure they did it right and that they wouldn't get hurt. We agreed I would meet up with them later to make sure they don't hurt themselves.

"Thanks again," Sirius says giving me a side hug and ruffling my hair.

"Anything for my boys."I smile and go back to the table with Lily.

I sit back down and return back to my homework. Once we both finish we set aside the books and just chat.

"How's fourth year treating you?" She asks.

"A bit more challenging, but that's normal." I shrug, "How are your prefect duties?"

"Over all they're good but Remus talks about James ALL THE TIME." She groans.

I laugh, "Oh come on Lil, James is not that bad. You just have to get to know him. You can't keep secrets from me Lily. I see it in your eyes, you like him." I chuckle, "it's not secret he likes you."

"Yeah ok whatever." Lily says smiling, a blush creeping on his cheeks, as she gathers her books. "Speaking of being a Prefect I have duties I must attend too. "

"All right talk to you later." I call after he and I head to the common room. Where my three favorite knuckleheads and Peter are sitting.

"Whatcha doing." I ask?

"Practicing our patronuses." James lazily.

"You know how to cast one?" I say amazed.

"Yea. Wanted to become Animagus remember?" Sirius says boredly.

"Can you teach me?" I ask.

"Sure Mackenzie," Peter pipes up.

As we sit in the common room casting patronuses, I was having difficulty. The best I got was a few wisps of white fri the tip of my wand. After awhile of trying and failing to cast one I notice the time on the clock. "Remus shouldn't you be at your prefect duties? Lily left an hour ago."

"Oh shoot I forgot thanks Mackenzie." He says as he runs out.


Later that night I saw my brother and his two friends transform. James into a stag, Sirius into a black dog, and Peter into a rat. They were successful and I didn't see any of them in danger of harming themselves. Remus thought otherwise, as it would be too dangerous to let them help him while he was an untamable beast. The other three weren't having it as they stated they would be fine and that they would help them when the time came. After two weeks of trying to cast a patronus. I finally managed and casted a full grown tiger as my patronus. 

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now