Chapter 33: Lets Have a Hug Fest

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It's been two weeks since I've been stuck doing NOTHING! I have to wake up soon and do something or I'll go insane. I'm pretty sure it's around April 23-25. I miss my puppy, brothers, boyfriend, and my friends. I've been trying to wake up but failing every time. But today is the day I think I'm going to wake up. I try forcing my eyes open and soon I see light. I'm getting tired but I keep going. I open my eyes to see Sirius on my right in a hospital bed sleeping and James in a bed in my left also sleeping. I'm really tired but I want them to know I'm up.

"Sir. Jay." I say my voice quite and horse.

James eyes snap open and sees me looking at him.

"SIRIUS WAKE UP!" James yells.

"What?!?" Sirius says and falls out of his bed.

"Oh sir." I say my voice still horse but a little strong.

"MAC!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Sirius said running up to me and hugging the life out of me.

James soon joins are hug and they crush the life out of me. 

"Can't.Breathe. " I gasp.

"Oops sorry it's just that you were in a coma for TWO WEEKS and we MISSED YOU! " James says hugging me again.

"What time is it? I'm hungry." I ask.

"Well it's about 6 in the morning and I'll go get you some food." James says rushing out tripping over stuff in the way out.

"Oh good I missed you," Sirius says sitting next to me and pulling me into a hug.

"What happened while I was sleeping?"

"Well James and I didn't leave your side not even to eat they had to bring us food.

SMACK I hit him  in the shoulder. "You two are stupid you should've gone to classes!"

"Ok where sorry anyway. Charlie didn't leave either for almost a week but the girls dragged him out a long with Remus and Griffin so they've been going to classes and stuff. Charlie's been taking care of Thalia and he  has been taking her everywhere. Iris, Bella, and Lily come every day. Oh and you missed Jackson's birthday." He finishes.

"Here I brought you food. I wasn't sure what to get you so I got you a little bit of everything." He said showing a plate of eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, and some pumpkin juice.

"Oh and I might have told everyone you where up." James said smirking.

"MAZIE!!" Iris said rushing in followed by Lily, Remus, Griffin, Molly  and Bella.

"YOUR'RE ALIVE!!!" Bella screamed.

"Good to see you pup." Remus said giving me a hug .

"Good to see you up L.B" Griffin said  hugging me.

"Glad your up." Molly said bear hugging me.

"Don't you ever do that to us again." Lily scowled. 

"IM HERE!!!" Charlie said rushing with Thalia still in his pajamas.

He ran over tripping over a chair and hugged me. "I LOVE YOU! DON'T YOU EVER SO THAT AGAIN!" He said hugging my tightly.

They all looked at him ,me included, with opened mouth. Charlie looked at them weirdly then realization dawned on him.

"Oh Mackenzie I'm sorry it just slipped out I get it if you not ready." He said embarrassed and blushing.

"It's ok I love  you too." I say smiling and kissing him in the lips.

"Aww." The girls cooed. 

If looks could kill he'd be dead from the glances he was getting from the guys.

"And I missed you my baby." I say taking Thalia away from Charlie.

She barked happily and kicked my face.

"What is all the commotion going on here?" Madame Pomfery said angrily walking out.

"Oh Mackenzie dear. Your up." Her expression softening coming over to hug me.

What is it with people hugging me.

"But you two didn't bother to tell me when she first got up?" She said accusingly to Sirius and James. They smiled sheepishly.

"Everyone out she needs her sleep and I need to make sure she's ok." Pomfrey said shooing  everyone out.

Sorry it's short but MACKENZIE IS BACK!! Thanks for all the support. Picture above is Charlie and Mackenzie.

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now