Chapter 76: Birthday surprise

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July 24 1980


It's been two years since Alexis was born. She and the Weasley boys have become best friends. Especially Fred and George who are also two. They all treat her like a sister. So does Oliver  who's now three. Percy is three as well. Charlie (Weasley ) is 7 and Bill is 8. Today Alexis is turning two. Narcissa is pregnant with her first she's due any day now and Lily's pregnant too. She's due towards the end of July. I was getting ready for Alexis  party when Alexis came bounding in.

"Mama. Mama. Arlie (the owl) has a letter it's from Aunt Cissy. " she said excitedly.

"What's this I hear about a letter." Sirius asked coming downstairs.

He has moved in. "Uncle Sirius. Mama got a letter from Aunt Cissy. "Alexis exclaimed.

"Oh does she now. what does it say." He asked.

"Narcissa had her baby." I inform.

"Well that's good news." He said.

"You mean I get a new friend for my birthday . Best present ever! Can I see him!" Alexis pleaded will tugging on my shorts.

"Of course Al Bug. We'll go after you do finish eating." I say setting breakfast in front of her.

"What are you doing today Sirius?" I asked.

"Going to see Lily and James." He said taking a sip of coffee.

You see there was a prophecy about Lily and James son. Saying he will have the power to defeat voldemort. So Voldemort is hunting hem down causing Lily and James to go into hiding. The have a protection spell over there house so no ones knows but Sirius. He's there secret keeper. If I or Alexis want to see them Sirius has to blindfold us and apperate is there himself.

"Mama I'm done. I want to go see my birthday present." Alexis said pulling on my shorts.

I chuckle and pick her up. "Ok off to st. Mongo's." I say and apperate us their. 

I ask the last at the front desk what room she's in and she points me towards 324. I walk down to the room with Alexis still on my hip. Once we get there I knock on the door and hear a come in. I open the door and see Lucius hovering over Cissy who has a baby on her arms. The baby has really blonde hair and grey eyes. He looks like a lucius  replica.

"Hey." I say quietly.

"Is that my birthday present!" Alexis exclaimed. Lucius chuckled.

"Yeah Lex. This is your cousin." Lucius said taking Alexis from me and walking over to the baby to see him.

Lucius I thought was always a cold person but he's a great guy once you get to know him and he absolutely Adores Alexis. He's like her second father along with Griffin, Sirius, James, and Remus.

"What's his name?" Alexis asks.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy." Narcissa says.

"Cool." Alexis says with wide eyes.

After we visit for a bit more Alexis and I head home for her party. All her aunts and uncles come.

"UNCLE PADFOOT!" Alexis yells and tackles Sirius with a hug.

"Hey little lexis happy birthday." He responds and picks her up.

Before James and Lily went into hiding they came over all the time along with Remus. Alexis picked up on their marauder nicknames.

"Is aunt Lily and Uncle Prongs coming?" She asks.

"Sorry lexis they can't make it but you can see them once Lily's baby is born. They also gave me a present to give you." He said.

"Yeah." She responded.

Soon there was a crack and Alexis cried "UNCLE MOONY!" Jumping down from sirius and giving Remus a hug.

The was followed by several more cracks and Alexis shouting "AUNT CINDER!" "UNCLE BEN!" "AUNT IRIS!" "UNCLE JACKSON!" "AUNT BELLA!" " UNCLE JAKE!" "AUNT MALINA!" "GRANDMA!" "UNCLE GRIFFIN!" "AUNT CAROLINE!" OLIVER!" "ANDRA!" Oliver yelled and gave her a hug.

Alexis hugged everyone and Went to go play with Oliver. Soon the weasleys came.  Alexis said hey to Molly and Arthur and gave them hugs. Then she, Oliver, Fred and George, Bill, Charlie and Percy went to go play upstairs with Thalia.

"Sorry we're Late Fred and George pranked Percy so we had to clean him up." Molly explained.

"It's fine" I assured her.  

"Only two and they're already pranking. " Sirius sighed happily.

"Don't encourage." I said hitting his arm.  We then had cake and opened presents.

Alexis got gifts from:

Me- building blocks, Real Madrid jersey (I got her into soccer. She loves it and is playing for a pewee muggle team) stuffed bear, and some outfits.
Lily and James- cute dresses, hair clips, and coloring books with crayons
Sirius- Gryffindor beater quidtich jersey, and a mini broom
Iris and Jackson- puzzles, toy animals, and a little people play set
Cinder and Ben- a play kitchen with plastic food
Bella and Jake- frozen movie, and a lion king sweatshirt
The Weasley's - cute outfit and a soccer ball
Griffin, Caroline and Oliver - Quidditch set for starters
Malina and Grandma- stuffed animal dog, dress up clothes and shoes
Grandma black- (she sent her gift by owl) A golden locket
The malfoys - (gave them  to me at hostpial) tales of the beetle of the broad, and puzzles.

After presents we sang happy birthday and got cake and ice cream. After that the kids played some more until they got tired and fell asleep. Soon Everybody left and Sirius helped me clean up. I put Alexis to bed and kisses her forehead. This birthday by far was better then her first one I thought.

Flash back

The day was going great the sun was shining and Charlie was playing with Alexis. And in two months Charlie  and I were getting married. The house was ready for Alexis first birthday. When I was preparing the food Arlie came with a letter and it was address Charles L. Wood. So I called him into the kitchen. Charlie came in carrying a happy bubbly Alexis. He opened the letter and his face fell.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"I've been drafted. I have to go to Iraq and fight it says I leave in two days." He replied sadly.

"Aw honey." I said crying and hugging Charlie and Alexis.

"Let's not be sad today it's Alexis first birthday be happy." He sad wiping my tears.

Around noon everyone came to the house and the party started it was going great until a horse patrons came. The patronus was Charlotte's. Death eaters came to the house while Malina and I were out and killed  your farther. Malina and I will be there shortly. It said.

"No." Griffin and Charlie cried.

They were close to there dad. Shortly later Charlotte and Malina arrived. Charlie gave Alexis to me and wen tot hug his mother and sister. Griffin did the same.

"I guess this is a good as a time as any. I've been drafted to fight in Iraq and I leave in two days." Charlie announced crying.

That caused Malina and Charlotte cry even more. The rest of the party the adults were solemn and sad while eating cake and opening presents. The kids were oblivious to the bad news around them.

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now