Chapter 13: Full Moon

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After tryouts the lot of us went to the Great Hall to eat. After that we went our separate ways, the boys and I headed toward our dorms. Once we get in Sirius flops on his bed. "I'm exhausted," He sighs.

"Shut up. You didn't do anything," James states, and shoves Sirius over so he can sit down. "We need to make teams."

"Fine," Sirius says overdramatically.

While Sirius and James work on that, my mind turns to tomorrow night. Tomorrow night is the first full moon of the school year, and it's the first full moon with Iris here too. James, Sirius, and Peter have been so nice to help me in years past, much to my protests. I will be forever grateful they don't want me to be alone but I still worry I will severely hurt one of them. And now that Sirius is letting Mackenzie help Iris and I tomorrow night it is causing me even more stress.

"You okay Moony," Sirius asks me snapping me out of my thoughts.

I hadn't realized I was pacing until now, "Yea Moony, it looks like you're going to wear a whole into the floor"

Not really thinking I blurt out, "I'm surprised you haven't kicked me out yet!"

"Oh course we aren't going to you kick out." Sirius says in disbelief, "Why in earth would we do that?"

"What on earth brought that up?" James adds.

"Because because I'm a monster." I stutter.

"Your being dramatic." James scoffs, "You fold your socks. Forgive me if I'm trembling at the sight of you."

"Still I don't want to hurt any of you." I protest.

"And you won't." James adds sternly.

I cast one last reluctant look before going to bed. Fear still swimming in my head.



"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." I say bouncing on Mackenzie's bed.

"Ugh I'm up what do you want?" She asks sleepily.

"The quidditch positions are posted!" I squeal.

That got her up quick and she stumbled in the bathroom to get changed.

"What are you idiots so happy about." Bella asks irritably.

She can get really mean without her beauty sleep.

"Nothing just go back to sleep." I say.

"You're right it's a Saturday, I should not be up this early. " Bella yawns and falls back asleep.

As I wait for Mackenzie to finish getting ready I start to worry about tonight. It's my first full moon at Hogwarts but at least I have my brother. Remus also mentioned that James, Sirius, Peter, and Mackenzie would help us as well. Appernalty they can turn into animagniuses. As for Bella she's as clueless as they come. Don't get me wrong she's book smart but she is very oblivious to what's going on around her. Even though most of them know I am a werewolf but it still doesn't settle the uneasy feeling in my stomach. I'm worried something bad will happen tonight and they won't like me.

"Alright let's go." Mackenzie says snapping me out of my thoughts. She was grinning like a kid on Christmas.

"Let's go" I say linking our arms together and run down the stairs. The results were listed on the board.

Captain: James Potter

Assistant captain: Sirius Black

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now