Chapter 56: All I want for my brithday is....... NOTHING!

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Friday January 8


"What do you want for your birthday? What do you want for your birthday?What do you want for your birthday?" Cinder, Bella, Ben, Charlie and Iris kept asking.

"Would you guys stop asking. I DON'T WANT ANYTHING!" I say frustrated.

"Fine what do you want to DO on your birthday?" Charlie asked.

"I want to eat cake and watch Disney movies all day." I say.

"Then we'll do that." Iris said.

"Sure." I said rolling my eyes knowing my friends they will drag me to a surprise party and give me gifts. The rest of the day went along as it should my friends finally stopped asking me what I want and I was at peace.

Time skip to January 9

I woke up today with no one singing happy birthday. A good sign I thought. I headed swim to eat breakfast at the great hall with Charlie, Iris, Bella, Jackson, and Jake. Cinder and Ben meeting is at our table. None of them Said happy birthday to which I was a little disappointed. I didn't even get a letter from
James, Sirius, Remus, Lily, or Griffin.

  "So what are the plans for this fine Saturday?" I ask.

"Well I have homework to do and prefect duties." Cinder said.

"I'm helping Jake study potions." Bella added.

"I have practice Jacksons tutoring me in  Herbology." Iris chimed in.

"I have prefect duties but we can hang out in my head boy common room at 2. I'll be freed then." Charlie said.

"Ok I guess I'll just see you then. " I say getting up and leaving.

I head back up to my dorm it get a sweater. I grab that one that is navy blue with a giant golden M on it courtesy of Molly. She sent it to me on Christmas. Then I started to wonder the castle.  I end up at the astronomy tower. It's not as pretty in the day time but if you come at night it's amazing.  I walk a bit more until it's a quarter to 2 so I make my way to Charlie's common room. The portrait let's me in and I walk in. It's completely dark as I try to find the light switch. I find it and flick it on. Bella, Ben, Charlie, Cinder, Griffin, Iris, Jackson, Jake, Lily, James, Remus, and Sirius all jump out and say Happy Birthday!" 

"Aw ha is guys but you didn't have to." I say blushing.

"Which is why we did what you wanted." Charlie says.

"We got a bunch of Disney movies." Lily added. "And cake." Iris said.

"Thanks guys your the best!" I say hugging them all.

"So little sis I heard your know engaged?" Sirius says with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah." I blush as Charlie snakes his arms around me.


"Sorry?" I shrugging.

"I AM SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!" She says bouncing up and down.

"Settle down lets grab a price of cake and watch movies." Remus says.

So we all get around the cake and they sing happy birthday to me, I blow out my 17 candles and we all get a slice. Then Lily, James, Me, Charlie and Sirius sit on the couch. Griffin and Remus in the two love seats and the rest in the floor. The first movie we watched was Peter Pan. As he movie played I smilies widely. This was all I ever wanted for my birthday and they listened they even got my brothers and Lily to come. I love my friends who have become my family. I think as I rest my head Charlie's shoulder while he holds me tight.

Sorry for the short chapter hope you like it. Just saw the movie PAN. I was AMAZING!!!!!!!! Peter Pan was my favorite movie from when I was I kid. PAN is a great movie you should watch it. Plus Hook is HOT

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