Chapter 29: Do over

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I've changed Mackenzie's middle name to Rose instead of Ann.

After my awesome birthday I took my gifts and puppy to my dorm. The rest of the night was spent in the common room  with Lily, Iris, Molly, Bella, Remus, James, Sirius, Griffin, Charlie, Jake, Jackson, and I talking, laughing and playing with my new puppy Thalia. At one point in the night Sirius said he had to go do something and walked out. Moments later an oh to Familiar big  black dog comes walking in.

"Oh look it's a dog. It must have wondered into the castle." Bella exclaimed.

The dog trotted over to Lily and started licking her face and nuzzling into her side.

"Aw I remember you. Your the dog James used to ask me on a date." Lily said hugging, kissing, and petting  him.

James, Iris, Remus, and I all knew it was  Sirius. James was fuming and the three of us were creaking up.

"We should name it." Molly suggested as Sirius and Thalia played around.

"How about snuffles?" James suggested with a smirk.

Sirius made a face and if you listened closely you could a growl.

"Snuffles? Really." Bella asks.

"Yeah I can see were James is going with that. It's a unique name and it's a boy's name or a girl's name." Added Charlie.

We all played with the two dogs for a little longer but then slowly Jake, Jackson, Molly, and Griffin went to bed. Every time Charlie would try to hug, kiss or hold me Snuffles would growl and bark until he backed away from me. Soon Thalia was a tried little puppy so she climbed up on my lap and curled up going to sleep. Snuffles walked off soon after and out of the common room. Few minutes later Sirius walked in.

"Oh there you are Sirius. You missed the dog. We've decided to name it snuffles." James said smirking.

"Oh you mean that handsome big black dog that was walking down the corridor heading outside." Sirius responded with a smirk of his own.

"Oh Sirius you would of loved snuffles. He was so playful and cute. " Lily added.

James looked mad and Sirius was trying not to laugh.

"Yeah but it was WAY to protective of Mackenzie." Charlie said shaking his head.

"Well maybe he just didn't like you." Sirius responded.

"Yeah sure." Charlie Said rolling his eyes.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm tired and I'm going to bed. It's 1 in the morning. And even though it's a Saturday tomorrow I still want to sleep." Bella said walking up to her dorm.

Lily soon followed. Before Iris left for bed she said goodnight to everyone and whispered goodnight snuffles. Before waking off.

"I'm not feeling well so I'm gonna hit the hay as well." Remus said a couple minutes later.

I can't blame him though it is a full moon in a couple of days. For some reason he gets affected more then Iris. I'm surprised he even stayed this long. Now it was just the four of us James, Sirius, Charlie, and I.

"So Charles (Charlie's real name.) you fancy are sister?" James asked.

Oh boy here they go I thought. "Yes I do." He responded confidently.

"And have you dated anyone before her?" Sirius asked

"no" he responded.

"Do you intend To protect her when we are not around?" James continued.

Growing up with the Mauraders (Book 1) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now