Chapter 8: End of the Year and Summer

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Disclaimer before you read this chapter. I am aware that Sirius is born in November but for the sake of my story his birthday is in July. Hope that doesn't prevent from your enjoyment.


School is finally over and James and Lily stopped being idiots and finally got together. Gryffindor won the house cup, for the 2nd time in a row I might add. Sirius comes of age in July, which means the trace is gone and he never has to go back home. I know he's been planning to leave home for a while and I think he's going to this summer.

The train ride is joyful and happy. We were in our own little bubble enjoying each others company. Once we arrived at King's Cross. We gathered are things and bid farewell.

I spot the Potter's and wave at them. James and Sirius see them too. I hear someone call my name and see my mother standing there impatiently. I take on last glance at the Potters before following my mother home.


Being home for the summer is awful. Regulus moved out a while ago, and Sirius now lives with the Potter's so I am all alone. There is no one else my mother can take her anger out on besides me. The constant screaming and hits really take a toll on a person.

By some miracle I manage to escape for a few days. I find myself at the Potter's and just in time for Sirius' birthday. It was nothing to big and flashy. Sirius had cake and got presents.He got a book of pranks from me, Lily got him some prank supplies, candy from Peter, Remus, and James, but his favorite gift by far was from Mr. and Mrs. Potter. They gave him a pocket watch. It's a wizard tradition when a wizard comes of age he gets his father's pocket watch. Since our father differently wasn't going to give him one. It was nice that the Potter's thought of Sirius as a soon and were kind enough to include him in titration.

Besides celebrating my brother's birthday we watched the quidditch World cup. Australia vs. Norway where Australia won 790 - 550. During those few days in July is was nice and peaceful. I felt safe.


After my little escape in July mother's been keeping a close eye on me. She finally let me out of the house, but only to go shop for school supplies. I was given a max of two hours and if I wasn;t back she threatened conseusones.

While shopping in Diagon Alley. I ran into Lily, Peter, and Remus. It was quick and rushed as I had a time limit but nonetheless it was nice to see them.

I got back home with 5 minutes to spare. School started less than a month and I couldn't wait to get out of here. 

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