Chapter 48: Cinder's Birthday

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November 9


I woke up to people screaming Happy Birthday! I looked around and saw Mackenzie holding Thalia , Iris, Bella, Charlie, Malina, Jake, Jackson, Pandora and Ben standing there.

"How did you guys get in here?" I ask groggily.

"I let them in." Pandora smiled.

"Happy birthday Cin." Iris said while she gave a bone crushing hug.

Soon Pandora, Bella, Malina, Ben and Charlie joined the hug. Soon followed by Jake and Jackson.

Mackenzie just did their  arms crossed and said "that's cute but I don't do hugs."

"Your doing this one." I say as Charlie pulls her into the hug. Click.

We all release from the hug and turn around to see Xenilipios  with a camera.

"Thanks hon." Pandora says hugging him. "I'll get this developed and give everyone a copy." Pandora adds.

"Well let's go to lunch. I'm starving."

Mackenzie says marching out.

"When is she not." Jake said.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Jake cried rubbing his arm.

"Talking bad about my girlfriend." Charlie answered and we all followed after Mackenzie.

Great Hall

We all sat at the Gryffindor table today because there are more friends are in Gryffindor then Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. We were eating when an owl flow done and dropped a package which looked like a cage. It was addressed to me from my mum and dad. I opened it and in the package was a little black kitten with white paws.

"Aw." Bella, Iris, Malina, and Pandora cooed.

"It's cute what's it's name?" Mackenzie said scratching Thalia behind the ear.

"Well it looks like a girl so I'm going to name it Abbey." I say petting her head.

After we finished eating Mackenzie and the boys took me outside where we just hung out. Thalia and Abbey played with each other and got a long surprisingly well.

"So Blondie #2 how old you turning?" Charlie asks.

"I'm turning 17 Brunette # 4 (Ben, Jake, Jackson, and Charlie)" I reply back smirking.

"So what are you'll doing for the Christmas holiday?" I ask.

"I'm going to meet Bella's dad and step mum and step sister." Jake responds.

"I'm going to Charlie's house and going over to Iris house on Christmas." Jackson said.

"I'm going home for Christmas for my lunatic of a cousins wedding that I'm forced to be in and Charlie gets to meet my family." Mackenzie Replies solemnly.

"Hey your not happy I'm coming over." Charlie says hugging and kissing her heard.

"No I'm glad you'll be there I'm just worried about my family." She said kissing his check.

"I'm just staying at my house." Ben said.

"Did you make your Quidditch team Ben?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah I'm the seeker." He responded.

"That's cool I can't wait to play your team in March." Mackenzie added.

"Look at the time Black we got to get going." Jake said.

"Good call Daniels. " Mackenzie said.

"Ben put the blindfold on. And Jackson make sure there ready." She orders.

Before I can comprehend what's happening I have a blindfold on my face. I feel my self being lifted up by someone. We walk for a while and then we stop and walk some more then I get set done. Someone takes the blind fold off and I see we are in my common room with all my fiends and Ravenclaw buddies.

Happy Birthday Cinder! Everyone shouts. "Thanks guys." I say blushing.

"Come on  open your presents." Pandora says pushing me to a pile of gifts.

I opened them and got gifts from:

Mackenzie- a muggle book called Cinder it's part of a series called the lunar chronicles.
Malina- a muggle movie called The City of Bones. It's from the mortal Instrument series I read.
Iris- a book mark with the quote give the girl the right pair of shoes and she can run the world. Because I love running. She also got me paints.
Bella- Owl earrings
Pandora- a jewelry box with the picture we took this morning in the lid.
Lily- colored pencils and a drawing pad
Molly- a purple sweater with a silver letter C on it
Sirius, James, & Remus- got me a ton of markers and crayons
Ben- gave me a locket
Charlie, Griffin, Jake and Jackson- candy and a muggle book called to Kill a Mocking Bird.

After presents we had cake and ice cream. I thanked everyone for coming and headed to bed. I'm lucky to have such great friends.

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