Chapter 10: Expexto Patronum

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The boys and I were in are final year at Hogwarts, it feels kinda surreal, at least for me. The boys,by that I mean Sirius and James, simply can't wait to be done with school. I think they'll miss it though at least a little bit but they just don't want ot admit it.

Defense Against the Dark Arts, one of the few classes James and Sirius seem to enjoy. It's not a bad class, difficult at times, but never boring.

"Today," Our professor announces, "We will be learning how to cast a patronus. It's a rather difficult spell to perform so I don't except you all to get it on the first several tries."

I glance over at James who is sharing a rather mischievous glance with Sirius, Remus, and Peter. I ignore them and roll my eyes. They're probably planning their next prank for something.

We got up and started to practice our patronuses. The professor said in order to cast the spell and for it to work you have to think a happy thought before saying Expecto Patronum.

I was struggling, along with almost everyone. Only able to get a flash or white blur coming out of my wand. The professor encouraged us to keep trying, and to think of a happier, stronger memory. The only people who weren't struggling my boyfriend and his friends. Sirius was twirling his wand in his fingers, like a drumstick, James was drawing in the air with his wand, Peter was watching James, and Remus looked like he was about to pass out from exhaustion.

Eventually the professor made all of us stand in a line and one by one cast are patronus. The room soon became a glow of white with an owl, lion, dove, jackal, and several other animals. Eventually it was my turn.

I thought back to the time when Petunia and I were close, before I found out I was a wizard. We were around 7 or 8 and we were out under the willow tree having a tea party. I said the spell and to my surprise a silver doe came from the tip of my wand.

I was proud of myself as the next person went, and I looked down the line to see the Remus and Sirius staring at me with open mouths, and James looked like he was about to faint.

A few more people went until it was Sirius's turn. He casted the spell like it was nothing, a silver dog started running around the room. The same happened to the other three. Remus' patronus was a wolf, Peter's a rat. Lastly, James went. He casted his just as easily as the other three had, a silver stag appeared and walked towards my doe nuzzling it.

I stared at James who was grinning happily to himself. I was confused as to why are patronuses matched each other. James looked like her knew something so I went to talk to him about it.

"James why did are patronuses go together?"

He just smirks and says "Page 209." And walks away.


After doing my homework, studying with Iris and Mackenzie, and fulfilling my duties as head girl did I finally get a chance to open my DADA textbook to page 209 and see what the hell James was talking about.

I flipped to the page and it read, Patronus is an image of your soul so if two people have compatible or similar patronuses that means there soulmates.

James and I are what??!?!


I've only been at Hogwarts for a day and I already loved it. It was much better than Beauxbaton in my opinion. Classes went smoothly and soon I found myself studying in the library with Mackenzie and Lily. Lily kept muttering something about her and James patronuses before leaving to do her head girl duties.

"Do you know how to cast one?" Mackenzie asks.

"What? A patronus?" I ask


"No I don't know how. Why do you?" I ask surprised.

"Yep. Learned it last year. Want me to teach you?"

I shrug, "Sure."

"To cast a Patronus you have to think of your happiest memory and say Expecto Patronum." Mackenzie instructs as we stand in an empty classroom.

"Ok," I say and thing on a memory.

My mind wanders to the last good day I had with my mom. She still looked healthy and she was smiling. We decided to go to the beach for the day. We had a picnic and we saw baby turtles. It was a good day.

It doesn't work at first or the 50 tries after that. But when it finally does a jaguar leaps out of my wand and strides around the room.

"Wow." the two of us breathe.

Mackenzie takes her want out and casts her own patronus, a tiger.

"How did you learn to cast one? Isn't this 7th year stuff?"

She shrugs, "I am bright for my age. And my brother and his friends taught me, last year."

"My brothers taught Me it last year." She replies simply.

We then head back to our dorms. We noticed this morning someone else is sharing the dorm with us. We never actually saw or met her but her stuff was centered around.


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